
The One-Eyed God

Gruumsh, The One-Eyed God, also known as He Who Watches, is the orc god of destruction and leader of the orc pantheon. A god of war and storms, Gruumsh is sometimes linked with the god Talos, the followers of the two deities often have aligned goals.

Divine Domains

Gruumsh's domains include Tempest and War, which grant his followers the ability to fare well in battle and defeat their foes.

Divine Symbols & Sigils

The symbol of Gruumsh is commonly seen carried by orc warriors and clerics, it is meant to represent the deity's one eye and is often crafted from bones and leather or wood. In addition, the Giant Rat is considered Gruumsh's sacred beast. Devoted followers of He Who Watches typically wear red and black robes and armour.

Tenets of Faith

Gruumans believe that Gruumsh demands the following of them:
  • Gather and breed, and your numbers shall flourish.
  • Rise up in hordes and seize that which is rightfully yours.
  • Raid. Kill. Conquer.
Divine Classification
Greater Deity
Chaotic Evil

Followers of Gruumsh

A majority of Gruumsh's followers are orcs. Most orc warbands serve The One-Eyed God, even individual orcs that serve different gods of the orc pantheon usually revere him too. Orc war chiefs often wear eyepatches to emulate Gruumsh's one eye. Those most devoted to the war god are the Eyes of Gruumsh, powerful battle priests that wield magic on the battlefield in Gruumsh's name; Eyes of Gruumsh take their devotion a step further by carving out one of their own eyes, believing that this will bring them closer to their god.

Cover image: Fire Prophecy by Kieran Yanner