
The Storm Lord

Talos, or The Storm Lord, is the god of storms and destruction. Many years ago, after The Spellplague, it was thought that The Storm Lord was an aspect of the orcish deity Gruumsh, however, in more recent times, this belief is uncommon, though some followers of either deity still believe the two are affiliated.

Divine Domains

Talos holds power over the domain of Tempest and he grants his followers the power of the storms, especially thunder and lightning.

Divine Symbols & Sigils

Talos's symbol is three lightning bolts radiating towards a point. The Hat Gang came across this symbol on two occasions, both times carved into a number of cursed totems.

Tenets of Faith

Talos and his clerics demand worship under the peril of destructive storms. The Storm Lord does not seem to care and may even encourage his followers to perform random acts of violence in his name.

Followers of Talos

For a deity of his size, Talos's followers are few in number, and his temples scarce, because of this, many Talassans would rather take over the temples of other gods than build their own. Worship of Talos is outlawed in many regions, including the Sword Coast North. Secretive cults in the region still revere him, however, such as the half-orc Anchorites of Talos.  
Anchorites of Talos
Organization | Feb 6, 2024
Divine Classification
Greater Deity
Chaotic Evil

Cover image: Stormcarved Coast by Sarah Finnigan
Character Portrait image: Talos Symbol by Stephanie Pui-Mun Law