Ochre Jelly

Ochre jellies are a particularly dangerous type of subterranean ooze. Large, amoeboid creatures, ochre jellies could split into multiple creatures when attacked.   Typically found in the underdark, a number of ochre jellies could be found in the Temple of Greed, created after the dwarven cultists who served Abbathor displeased their god, their new forms a reflection of the evil deity's hunger and greed. In 1491, the Hat Gang stumbled upon this Temple of Greed, and helped a couple of dwarven excavators explore the site, and in doing so killed the mutated priests.

Basic Information


Ochre jellies are made-up of a thick, yellow acid that corrodes all organic matter that comes into contact with it, though not innorganic matter such as metal armour. The jellies seem to be carniverous, with an insatiable hunger for meat.   Ochre jellies can grow up to 15 feet in diamiter, but due to their amorphous nature are capable of squeezing through even the smallest gaps. If hit with enough force by a sharp object such as a blade, an ochre jelly will split into two smaller jellies. Weather this is a defence mechanism or the ooze's natural method of reproduction, is unknown.   When killed, the jelly's naturaly syrupy consistency quickly thins, as their body becomes water-like, and loses it's acidic qualities.
Ochre Jelly by Wizards of the Coast
Scientific Name

Cover image: Ochre Jelly by Wizards of the Coast