Phosa Nadrez

Phosa Nadrez

Phosa Nadrez is a disturbed aasimar druid hailing from Krezk. A fierce and imposing warrior, she has fought for many causes but slowly lost faith in all of them and now seeks to enact vengeance on the very gods she once championed.   Despite her often shifting loyalties, Phosa is not a flippant person, usually altering her allegiances when those she aligned herself with disappoint her. Growing up in the land of Barovia, often in isolation, Phosa tends to struggle to deal with people. She is an intensely emotional person who lacks healthy means to express herself, often oscillating between bouts of hopelessness and isolation, disdain that can boil over into violent rage, and rare moments of intense joy.

Physical description.

General Physical Condition

Phosa is a well-built, 6”3 aasimar who possesses an imposing figure with a comparatively soft face - though she does have a distinctive scar from a mandible and is missing her left eye. Her skin is a pallid blue with white freckles similar that similar in pigmentation to snow, she has faded blue eye. Phosa possesses silver hair which was cut into a short viking braid by Van Richten at her request. They are notably flat-footed and use magic to compensate for their low speed and precision during battle, out of battle no amount of magic can save their ability to sneak or dace. After her battle with Mother night Phosa maintained many distinctive wounds that cover her body, chief among them being the large scar that runs from her lower chest across her entire abdomen that was self inflicted with the blade of disaster.

Powers and Abilities

Phosa’s Raw magical power siphoned from the Fanes allows to command powers similar to that of a druid despite having no connection to the land of Faerûn. This includes potent healing using her starry form and a magically enhanced balm that with time can heal almost any wound. They can also control the battlefield with powerful, destructive magic like moonbeam, overwhelm foes by conjuring a pack of wolves, or turn into a giant ape for incredible durability. Due to her slaying the Seeker she has limited control over fate, this manifests in a number of ways including limited precognition of outcomes or covertly shifting the balance of.

Specialized Equipment

Their Coup de grâce is a magic hand axe called Reimt Fortíð which makes them a dangerous martial combatant, as they have both powerful melee abilities utilizing lighting and thunder when striking or throwing the runic axe which animates when thrown and always returns to its wielder. It allows her to escape into a swarm of ravens, conjure a small localized storm to hinder enemies, and channel lightning bolts through the axe while striking a target. Finally, she may extend these benefits to the person she holds most dear, whoever that may be.

Mental characteristics

Phosa has faced an immense of amount of hardship over the course of their life, and due to her not able to control her emotions she has chosen to suppress them almost entirely. This is due to her immense guilt over her actions, with everything from her manipulation by the Abbot, to her emotional immaturity and failure to connect with the party during their adventures, and the many times her anger got the better of her. Eventually she descended into a state of pure wrath, destroying the plain of Barovia and seemingly sealing the fate of both her and Ireena Kolyana. In this state she showed a great propensity for cruelty and obsession, only holding onto her humanity due to her affect for Ireena and respect for Clodric.   This is the reason she has built an emotional wall - as not only is the guilt so crushing that it would make life unbearable, but also a fear of what her true nature is and what she is capable of. Prior to this development Phosa was rather erratic, displaying intense bouts of emotion both positive and negative - this is still representative of her but she simply choses to repress these feelings. This is in large part due to her being incapable of processing her emotions, having never shared a close bound with anyone until meeting Ireena. For now she choses to remain in isolation from the world, as she believes herself to be little more than a monster that has served its purpose, destined to fail any who rely upon or care about her.

Personal History

Early life

Phosa was born into an aasiamr herd descended from Zariel, that came to Barovia with the Abbot on a holy mission to slay Strahd. In a direct flight that might have been possible but assaults on Castle Ravenloft never worked before and Strahd knew that Baroiva would wear them down long before he had to lift a finger. Phosa was born to a gifted seer named Alvea and an unknown father who lived in Krezk around 6 months into the crusade.   The herd generally valued ‘divinity’ above all else, this was a sign that one was favoured by the gods which could be observed through innate divine magic, as well as fulfilment of rituals and performative acts of worship. In essence, a form of pre-destination, that certain souls were worth more than others and this could be measured through the aforementioned characteristics.   This is relevant to Phosa because she possessed none of these characteristics, her divine magic was always weak, to the point of non-existence before becoming a druid. This, caused her to be a social outcast, thereby meaning she always lacked interpersonal skills due to being treated as a freak by both the Aasimar and people of Krezk. Alvea saw her daughter's lack of divinity as evidence of her own lack of favor, causing her to treat Phosa with a complicated mix of love and concern - causing their relationship to be troubled.   This tenuous position was upended when Alvea foresaw a future where a champion would kill the Abbot and the Aasimar would all be wiped out by Phosa. Greatly disturbed by this, she went to the Abbot who at the time was already corrupted but not entirely lost, and he claimed that she needed to kill her daughter to prevent that future from ever happening. In a moment of clarity as he watched Alvea strangle Phosa, who at the time was just a child, he changed his mind, perhaps the act of needless filicide spoke to whatever prime good was left, instead he may have simply decided that the Aassimar were more trouble than they were worth. Regardless, he spoke Alvea’s true name, killing her instantly, deciding to allow the future where the Aasimar died to unfold and defeat this companion on his own, not realizing that in doing so he sealed his fate due to the events being interlinked.   Hearing her mother babbling about a prophecy and begging for forgiveness from the Morning Lord while attempting to kill her and then suddenly dying traumatized Phosa, who from that day onwards was a true outcast to the aasimar. She became envious of those given attention for their innate gifts, made worse by the fact that her status was not caused by her any fault of her own. As what little humanity the Abbot possessed slipped away, he manipulated her hatred against her people for being treated as lesser, especially compared to the so-called chosen ones such as Zaxis Ilerez. This led to the event where the aasimar were wiped out as, in the dead of night, the Abbot and Professor Lazlo cast a powerful ward that made Phoasa nigh-immune to the aasimars’ divine magic. Resulting in her and the mongrelfolk going on a rampage where she slew Zaxis and countless others for what she thought was the good of Barovia, but also in service to her rage and envy.   After that night the Abbot had no use for Phosa so mostly left her to her own devices, in the time that followed she grew distant from Lazlo and the people of Krezk. The senseless violence delivered by her hand kept her awake at night, the aasimar may have wronged her but that did not earn them death, her whole life had been characterized by envy, violence, and despair - resulting in her not having the ability to come to terms with the guilt or even understand it. So she set off in search of answers and vowed to take revenge against the Abbot. It was in her travels that her connection to the land became apparent, and she began to study the ways of the druids of Yester Hill. Phosa found them repulsive and so quickly distanced herself, but in the short time she was acquainted with them she learned of the Fanes. To give herself a purpose she chose to dedicate herself to discovering and championing them. So, nestled in a small cottage beyond the Tsolenka Pass, she collated the edict of the Fanes and waited for the right moment to change history by taking revenge.



Phosa's relationship with Aki was extremely tumultuous, Phosa often mistook Aki's pensiveness for hatred or fear, believing that he viewed her as nothing more than a monster even before she became one. Aki had acted against her such as abstaining from her battle with Avant and shooting her in the back as she pursued Mother Night, but had never fully betrayed her and still fought against the Fanes. Phosa believes Aki to be either incredibly naïve, kind or both - but is thankful that he chose to give her another chance, even if she believes death was the most fitting fate.


For a long time, Phosa tried to navigate a partnership with Avant, but his inability to admit fault until his death rattle, constant antagonism, and lack of sympathy for the constant emotional pain he caused Phosa was inevitably going to end with one of them dead. With her drawing parallels to the Abbot's cold indifference and constant attempts to make her feel inferior, combined with Avant's strange moral code and irresponsible decisions leading to him taking three dark deals, giving her the confidence to betray Avant. Through that fight, Phosa pushed Avant to finally become the monster she saw him as. Phosa still harbours a great deal of hatred for him, but may come to see the ordinal differently with time.

Clodric Deepeyes

Clodric is one of the few people Phosa feels a genuine resonance with, although this is mostly from Phosa's perspective. There relationship started off very poor, she dismissed Clodric on the grounds of her necromancy, as did Clo due to her erratic nature. As they spent more time together Phosa came to believe that Clodric was neither callous nor cruel - instead another lost soul pursuing their own goals at any cost, not to dissimilar to her. Clodric's desire to free god of her people inspite of their refusal to recognise her talents was far more noble than Phoasa's response to a similar plight, thereby Phosa saw choices like her becoming al Lich as an act of sacrifice. Phosa also knows of the pain of being devalued, and thereby always tries to see more in Clodric than just a power hungry wizard.   Phosa is also greatly appreciative of Clodric's support during her struggle against fate itself - as many would have seen her as a lost cause but Clodric provided invaluable support, particularly in her location of the conduit and battle against the seeker. But more than that Clodric reigned in her worst impulses, dissuading her from killing Ezmerelda for instance. Clodric did all of this despite Phosa treating her equally as callously during her pursuit of vengeance - Clodric could have just let Phosa die for a simple solution but chose not too. She truly wants the best for Clodric and hopes against the odds that they could be friends one day.

Ireena Kolyana

Phosa cares about Ireena Kolyana more than anyone or anything else, this connection was the only thing that allowed her to hold on to their dwindling humanity during Barovias final hours. Throughout their journey Ireena has always tried to see the good in Phosa, still fighting by her side till the bitter end, choosing to sacrifice her soul to give Phosa a chance at surviving their fight with mother night.   Despite this Phosa still feels she failed Ireena, as the reason the two shared such a close bond is that Ireena saw her as a person, not a monster or tool of destruction. And yet in the name of saving Ireena and taking vengeance Phosa became the worst version of herself. It became clear that Ireena was terrified of what Phosa had become, and worse still was burdened with guilt about the fate of Barovia.   Phosa cherished the moments of calm the two spent together, such as dancing with the aid of a fleet of songbirds and the embrace they shared once the journey was over. There were also several times during their travels where the only thing that stopped Phosa from giving up was Ireena’s direct protest. Phosa believes herself unworth of being a part of Ireenas life, and hopes that during their time apart Ireena will move on from her, even if Phosa is unable to do the same.

Ez and Van Richten

Phosa doesn't hold any malice against the monster hunting duo, as she knew that she was in the wrong. She also remembers that before she lost hope both of them actually thought quite highly of her, especially Van Richten. However with the fate curse lifted and their lives in tact she does not feel that she owes them any more than she owes the average Barovian. Phosa hopes they are doing well but never wants to see either of them again.


Luvash has served an important role in Phosa’s recent life, being a confirmation that she has not gone mad. Proving to herself she is capable of enjoying a night with someone who is normal by Barovian standards, grounding herself with some laughter and stories. She also enjoys seeing his daughter, Arabelle and feels at peace when around them. However, she does not want to spend long around either of them - as Phosa feels that she doesn't deserve it and they will get swept up in the disaster that is her life.
"Not even human, never were."
— Phosa Nadrez, to Avant-Courier
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Phosa with the Mace of Terror
Phosa Axe
Phosa with Reimt Fortíð