
Arabelle is the adventurous daughter of Luvash who the Barovian Adventurers rescued from Offalia Wormwriggle's windmill. Despite being a child they already show signs of innate magic such as predicting the immediate future and conjuring harmless sensory effects - traits indicative of a vistani seer and is highly likely to become her clan's Raunie later in life.

Physical description

General Physical condition

Arabelle stands at 4"4 with curly black hair, bright blue eyes, and tanned skin. She has displayed an aptitude for stealth, being able to sneak in and out of Vallaki as she pleases, additionally, she escaped from a mad fisherman undetected.

Powers and Abilities

Beyond her slyness she also possesses limited magic typical of seers; this incudes stronger curses than other vistani, limited clairvoyance allowing them to predict the future and perceive beyond their senses briefly, and minor magical effects weaker than a cantrip.

Mental Characteristics

Arabelle is a curious and independent child who enjoys exploring and against all odds she has managed to avoid any traumatising experiences. Vistani camps are some of the safest places in the Domains of Dread and they look after their own, thereby her childhood was happy if somewhat isolated from the outside world. Although hardier and more sensible than the average child she still possesses a short attention span and often ignores the orders of other vistani - much to their detriment if her father discovers this.

Personal History

After sneaking out of the Vistani camp one evening to go and play with the other children at the Vallaki Orphanage, Arabelle was kidnapped by Bluto. The crazed fisherman believed that throwing her into the lake would bring back the fish. As he drank himself into a stupor she took the opportunity to escape the sack he put her in by tearing some of the stitches off of it, and as she filled it with rocks the drunkard did not notice. Exhausted - she attempted to navigate back to her camp but became lost in the mists, where she encountered Offalia Wormwriggle. The hag took Arabelle to Old Bonegrinder where she provided them with a chicken and vegetable stew and a place to sleep. She intended to transform Arabelle into a hag so she could have a little sister but due to her simple nature was not sure how, deciding to keep her in the windmill until she knew how.   Before Arabelle ever really understood she was in danger, the Barovian Adventurers followed her trail to old Old Bonegrinder where they confronted Offalia, whom they had previously speared. Phosa Nadrez was ready to do battle with the hag but Avant-Courier and Aki protested. Phosa acquiesced and attempted to negotiate the girl's release from the hag, she explained how worried Arabelle's parents were and how she couldn't grow up hidden from the world. This spoke to the recently transformed hag's dwindling humanity, convincing her to release Arabelle - resulting in the group returning her to Luvash and the hag's death as she destroyed the windmill.   Upon retiring to the camp Arabelle was in high spirits once she saw Luvash. Later that evening Luvash agreed to let Phosa teach Arabelle to defend herself using magic. Although she was unable to conjure anything capable of inflicting serious harm, she was able to knock over a few wine bottles with conjured ice. Phosa then made her promise to stick close to Luvsh on the condition that she go on more adventures upon proving she can defend herself - to which she reluctantly agreed.
Current Status
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
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