Arvoreen (ARR-voh-reen)

Arvoreen, also known as The Defender or The Wary Sword was the closest the halflings had to a war god, but he was actually the halfling pantheon's deity of defence, guardians, and watchers.


Arvoreen was strict and preached aggressive watchfulness but only to react to aggression. He didn't support starting conflicts unless it was done to stop evil practices. Arvoreen never attacked first and didn't hold thieving to be dishonourable as long as it was against a foe. However, it was extremely forbidden to steal from the Hin (halflings) or their allies.


The faith of Arvoreen was strong in like-minded strongheart halflings and some isolationist halflings. Devotees followed procedures of military drills, training regimens, and building traps, signal beacons, and fortifications. Their temples were specially built keeps. This mix, along with the ideal that the enemies to the hin community mostly came from mixing with other cultures, made them less popular with lightfoots, who stayed away except in times of war.

The followers of Arvoreen also taught blade-work to the young, especially the deity's favoured weapon, the short sword. The clergy prayed before dawn, before going on patrol. If able, they would also pray before battle with the Battle Hymn of the Keepers, an oral depiction of halfling military victory dating back centuries.

The vestments of the priesthood were silver-coloured chain mail and helmet, along with dark blue tabards with his holy symbol. They also wore an amulet of a small silver buckler.


  • Arvoreen's Marchers: Known for keeping anarchy from spreading during the Tethyrian Interregnum, they then became a recognized knightly order. During this time, they were active in the Purple Hills under the leadership of Estermal Talltankard. They gained a chapter-house near Barrowsmorn, called Keeperstone, and they patrolled the Purple Marches.

Divine Domains


Divine Symbols & Sigils


Contacts & Relations

The Defender's enemies were evil deities such as Bane, Cyric, the Deities of Fury, and the goblinoid pantheon. His closest allies were the rest of the hin pantheon, especially Yondalla, Cyrrollalee, and Urogalan, but he disapproved of the behaviour of Brandobaris.
Divine Classification
Lesser deity
Honorary & Occupational Titles
The Defender
The Vigilant Guardian
The Wary Sword


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