Yondalla's Children

Yondalla's Children was the collective name for the halfling pantheon, which was led by the greater deity Yondalla, known as the Protector and Provider, the Nurturing Matriarch, and the Blessed One.


The members of the pantheon were:
Deity Title Alignment Domain(s)
Yondalla Goddess of Nature and the Creator of Halflings Lawful good Life
Sheela Peryroyl Goddess of Agriculture, Love and Weather Neutral Nature, Tempest
Urogalan Demigod of the Earth, Death and the Halfling Dead Lawful neutral Earth, Death, Grave, Knowledge
Arvoreen God of Defence, Guardians and Vigilance Lawful good War
Brandobaris God of Thievery, Stealth and Curiosity Neutral Trickery
Cyrrollalee Goddess of Friendship, Trust, Hospitality and Home Lawful good Life
In addition, the traditionally human goddess of luck Tymora has slowly been accepted among the ranks of the Pantheon.
Religious, Pantheon
Death, Knowledge, Life, Nature, Tempest, Trickery


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