Citadel Felbarr Settlement in The Forgotten Realms | World Anvil

Citadel Felbarr

Citadel Felbarr in the Silver Marches was originally a dwarven citadel of over 25,000 dwarves that at different times in history had belonged to dwarves, humans, orcs, and, since 1367 DR, once again the dwarves.  


The badge of office for the King of Citadel Felbarr was a simple golden crown adorned with three large sapphires.

Industry & Trade

Citadel Felbarr often traded with Beorunna's Well, Quaervarr, Silverymoon, and Sundabar. It also exchanged caravans with Mithral Hall.


Early History

Originally a part of Delzoun, Citadel Felbarr was completed in −1900 DR.

In the Year of the Delighted Dwarves, three dwarf clans hailing from Ammarindar and Citadel Felbarr migrated to Myth Drannor.

In around 1054 DR, the dwarves abandoned Citadel Felbarr. The humans of Silverymoon quickly took advantage of this massive citadel and garrisoned it with over 3,000 troops.

After the Battle of Many Arrows in 1104 DR, which lasted many months, the citadel was captured by orcs and renamed the Citadel of Many Arrows.  

14th Century

In the Year of the Shield, 1367 DR, Citadel Felbarr was recaptured by a force of dwarves led by Emerus Warcrown when King Obould's forces were exhausted after battling another orc tribe led by King Greneire.  

15th Century

Emerus Warcrown was still king as of 1479 DR.

In the Year of the Nether Mountain Scrolls, 1486 DR, King Emerus Warcrown abdicated his throne and title to join Bruenor Battlehammer on the march to reclaim Gauntlgrym. The king was replaced by Parson Glaive.

Some time after, the throne was given over to the royal couple King Morinn and Queen Tithmel, a pair of wise monarchs who made it a point to rule as equals. Together, they gave their support to a group of adventurers to deal with the fire giant threat in the old forge of Ironslag, led by the fire giant ruler, Duke Zalto and his family, after the removal of the Ordning. In return for their efforts fighting the giants, the monarchs of Citadel Felbarr offered to build the adventurers a fortified tower somewhere in the Silver Marches, as well as supply the tower with ten Felbarren dwarf guards.

Points of interest

The Hammer

The first gate, comprising two 40-foot-high stone gates, on the path to The Runegate.

The Anvil

The second gate, comprising two 30-foot-high stone gates, on the path to the Runegate, also where the path crossed the river.

The Runegate

A pair of stone doors each 20-foot-square and 3-feet-thick. Covered in 32 deadly runes, these gates were considered to be the greatest accomplishment of the dwarves in the reoccupation of Citadel Felbarr.

North Vigil

A defensive area overlooking the path to the Runegate, complete with heavy catapults and ballistae. Completed before the winter of 1372 DR.

South Vigil

A defensive area overlooking the path to the Runegate, complete with heavy catapults and ballistae.

Hall of Ceremony

A high cavern, part natural and part carved, with a large fireplace and the king's throne on a raised dais.


The most revered part of the citadel. It was where Clan Warcrown was buried. It was always under construction for expansion. The oldest chamber was large with many tunnels and smaller rooms.


Citadel Felbarr was located at the base of the Rauvin Mountains along the River Redrun, with Silverymoon Pass to the south and Sundabar Vale to the east. A trade route connected Felbarr to Sundabar to the southeast and Beorunna's Well to the northwest beyond the Cold Wood.

Citadel Felbarr had tunnels in the upper Upperdark that connected it to Mithral Hall in the west.
Founding Date
−1900 DR
Alternative Name(s)
Citadel of Many Arrows
Location under
Additional Rulers/Owners
Characters in Location


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