Cyrrollalee (SEER-oh-LAH-lee)

Cyrrollalee was the halfling deity of trust, friendship, and hospitality.


Cyrrollalee was worshiped by ordinary halflings, but especially homeowners and those interested in crafts such as textiles. Her worshipers were not evil, though if they were not goodly, they would still be lawful. Most of her worshipers were female clerics and mystics.

Divine Domains


Divine Symbols & Sigils


Contacts & Relations

The Hand of Fellowship, as she was known, maintained several good relations with gods of both the halfling pantheon and others. However, she did not get along with evil deities, such as Abbathor, Cyric, and Urdlen. Her superior deity was Yondalla.
Divine Classification
Lesser deity
Lawful good
Honorary & Occupational Titles
The Hand of Fellowship
The Hearthkeeper
The Faithful


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