Marthammor Duin (mar-THAM-mor DOO-ihn)

Marthammor Duin was the young, neutral good dwarven god of wanderers and patron of dwarves who had left the clanholds to explore the world. He was also known as Finder-of-Trails, Watcher over Wanderers and the Watchful Eye, and was sometimes considered to be an exarch of Moradin.

He approached life with a gnome-like demeanour, curious to see what lay beyond the horizon and always willing to trade stories of travels. His was the rare spirit of dwarven exploration, and the spark of curiosity his followers associated with bursts of lightning.


Marthammor's clergy were known as the volamtar ("blazers of fresh trails"). They represented one of the most widely recognized dwarven churches of the surface wide, particularly in the North. Volamtar marked wilderness trails near dwarven strongholds to make the path of those that might follow from the clanholds easier. They patrolled trade routes and game trails between human and dwarven enclaves, healing the injured and clearing these areas of dangerous predators. They were also known to leave way-caches of food and supplies along these trails.

In urban areas, they set up temples with the aim of strengthening dwarven populations through healing, religious ceremonies and exchange of information. Sometimes they attempted to gain minor political positions to influence the government of non-dwarven cities.

They prayed for their spells in the morning and celebrated numerous holidays throughout the year, including each festival day and the following nine days of each festival. Years featuring Shieldmeet saw much celebration, with the public, including non-dwarves, being invited to attend.

Volamtar frequently also specialized as divine champions and fighters, while those in the wilderness often had some ranger skills.

Divine Domains

Nature, Trickery

Divine Symbols & Sigils


Contacts & Relations

Other members of the dwarven pantheon saw Marthammor's behaviour as 'antics' and hoped his interest in the world above would soon pass. Moradin was grateful that at least his youngest son was more disciplined than Dugmaren, one of Marthammor's greatest friends.

He hated the gods of orcs, goblins and giants and held special enmity for the hill giant god Grolantor.
Divine Classification
Lesser deity
Neutral good
Honorary & Occupational Titles
Watcher over Wanderers
the Watchful Eye


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