
The Morndinsamman (a dwarven term meaning "shield brothers on high" or "high dwarves") or Moradinsamman. was the group name of the dwarven pantheon.


The gods of the Morndinsamman were:
Deity Title Alignment Domain(s)
Moradin God of Creation, Crafts and the Dwarves Lawful good Forge, Knowledge
Berronar Truesilver Goddess of Hearth and Home Lawful good Life, Light
Dumathoin God of Mining, Gems and Underground Exploration Neutral Death, Earth, Knowledge
Sharindlar Goddess of Fertility, Romantic Love and Healing Chaotic good Life
Clangeddin Silverbeard God of Battle, Valour and Honour Lawful good War
Vergadain God of Trade, Wealth, Negotiation, Luck, Trickery and Chance Neutral Trickery
Dugmaren Brightmantle God of Scholarship, Discovery and Invention Chaotic good Knowledge
Gorm Gulthyn God of Vigilance, Defence and Protection Lawful good War
Haela Brightaxe Demigoddess of Luck and Battle Chaotic Good War
Marthammor Duin God of Wanderers Neutral good Nature, Trickery
Thard Harr God of Survival, Hunting and Nature Chaotic good Nature
Abbathor God of Greed Neutral evil Trickery
Hanseath God of War, Carousing and Alcohol Chaotic neutral Trickery, War
Tharmekhûl Demigod of the Forge and Molten Rock Neutral Forge, Light
Thautam God of Magic, Secrets and Mysteries Neutral Knowledge, Trickery
Laduguer God of Weapons-Crafting, Magic and the Duergar Lawful evil Arcana, Death
Deep Duerra Goddess of Conquest, Expansion and Psionics Lawful evil Arcana, Knowledge, War


In 1383 DR, Moradin led the Morndinsamman on a crusade against the dark powers of Hammergrim, slaying Duerra and Laduguer, but at the cost of Gorm and Haela.

As of 1479 DR, only Moradin, Berronar, Clangeddin, Dugmaren, Marthammor, Thard, and Vergadain remained in Dwarfhome. Abbathor was serving Bane as an exarch and the status of Dumathoin and Sharindlar was unknown.

Following the Second Sundering, by the end of the 15th century DR, thirteen of the Morndinsamman deities appeared to have been restored to their portfolios as they were before the Time of Troubles of 1358 DR and the Spellplague of 1385 DR; the exception was Thard Harr, whose status at the time was unknown. The exact circumstances of their return are unclear.
Death, Forge, Knowledge, Life, Light, Nature, Trickery, War


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