Nephthys (NEF-thiss)

Nephthys known as Nesharia in Thay and as Neselthia in Unther. was a vain but caring member of the Mulhorandi pantheon. She was Mulhorand's goddess of the dead, protecting both graves and the riches found therein.


Nephthys urged her followers to accumulate wealth, but had little patience for true greed. Worship of the Devoted Lady was most common among nobles and housewives.

The clergy of the church of Nephthys was composed entirely of women of Mulan descent. These priestesses must be married or widowed.

Clerics of Nephythis administered the economy of Mulhorand, as well as served in the funeral preparations of those in the upper classes.

Temples dedicated to Nephthys were defensible structures designed to display great wealth. These buildings often served as banks for the Mulhorandi people. The center of the church of Nephthys was the Vault of Golden Commerce, located in the city of Neldorild.

The church of Nephthys had spread throughout Unther, and had even begun to push beyond this border.

Clerics of Nephthys usually wore white linen skirts and robes or linen dresses. They wore wigs on their shaved heads as well as sandals. Three blue circles were painted on a priestess' forehead, a mark of her divine calling.

When preparing themselves for combat, the clergy of Nephthys selected the most expensive equipment they could afford.


The clergy of Nephthys took up arms to protect the wealth of their nation.

The Order of the Golden Coin served as guardians for hire to the people of Mulhorand.

Divine Domains


Mental characteristics

Personal history

Nephthys assisted Isis in resurrecting Osiris, who had been murdered by Set.

During the Second Sundering, Nephthys and other deities from the pantheon returned in the form of demigods and led the Mulhorandi uprising against the Imaskari, in a manner similar to how the Chosen manifested in other regions. As of 1489 DR, Mulhorand was led by the returned pantheon, who temporarily set their differences aside for the good of the Mulhorandi people.


Contacts & Relations

Nephthys was the daughter of Geb and Nut. She was the twin sister of Isis and was once married to Seth, who she left after his murder of Osiris.

Nephthys had few true allies. Waukeen closely monitored the growth of the church of the Devoted Lady.

Nephthys openly opposed Mask and the Red Wizards of Thay.

Family Ties

Divine Classification
Chaotic good
Honorary & Occupational Titles
Guardian of Wealth and Commerce
Protector of the Dead
The Devoted Lady
The Lady of Sands
The Avenging Mother


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