Mulhorandi pantheon

The Mulhorandi pantheon consisted of the deities worshiped in Mulhorand. Their domain was Heliopolis.

The deities that made up the Mulhorandi pantheon were:
Deity Title Alignment Domain(s)
Anhur God of War and Weather Chaotic good War
Bast Goddess of Hedonism, Festhalls, Love and Cats Chaotic good War
Bes God of Chance and Luck Chaotic neutral Trickery
Geb God of the Earth, Minerals and Mining Neutral Earth
Hathor Goddess of Fertility and Motherhood Neutral good Life, Light
Horus-Re God of the Sun, Kings, Rulership and Life Lawful good Life, Light, Law, Sun
Isis Goddess of Good Magic and Agriculture Neutral good Arcana, Knowledge, Life
Nephthys Goddess of Trade and Wealth Chaotic good Death
Osiris God of Death and the Dead Lawful good Life, Grave, Nature
Re Former Head of the Mulhorandi pantheon Lawful good Life, Light
Sebek God of Wetland and River Hazards, Danger Lawful evil Nature, Tempest
Set God of Evil, Drought, Destruction and the Desert Chaotic evil Death, Tempest, Trickery
Thoth God of Knowledge, Secrets and Academic Debate Neutral Knowledge


When the Imaskari captured the Mulan people and brought them to Toril, the slaves also brought the worship of their deities. With help from Ao, these deities were able to follow their worshipers and end their servitude.

After the destruction of Mulhorand by the Spellplague, the Mulhorandi pantheon disappeared. In the wake of the Second Sundering, and hearing again the plea of their people, the Mulhorandi gods returned to Toril and sent their Chosen to overthrow High Imaskar and to restore Mulhorand.
Religious, Pantheon


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