Shining Plains Geographic Location in The Forgotten Realms | World Anvil

Shining Plains

The Shining Plains was a portion of the Vilhon Reach, named after the visual effect of sunlight hitting the plains. The plains themselves were not held by any cohesive force, instead being composed of human-filled city-states, wemic and centaur tribes, and a powerful druidic organization called the Emerald Enclave.


Notable Settlements

  • Assam
  • Lheshayl
  • Ormath

Geographic Features

Deepwing Mountains
One of the boundaries of the Shining Plains, the home of fire drakes and other monsters.
Gulthmere Forest
Touched the northern edge of the Shining Plains and the headquarters of a powerful druid circle, located in a city called Cedarsproke.
Rushing Hills
South of Lheshayl and home of a tribe of thri-kreen called the Krakk't. 
The Wetwoods
Boggy wetlands that served as the home of a village of frog-like humanoids called grippli.


In the Year of the Harp, 1355 DR, Great Fires raged through the Shining Plains. The cause was unknown, however, the Church of Talos took credit for the disaster. Later, followers of the Destroyer erected a shrine in the Planes in celebration of the calamity.

Following the events of the Spellplague in the Year of Blue Fire, 1385 DR, the northwestern reaches of the Plains became the badlands known as Xian.
Humans, centaur, wemic, thri-kreen
Location under


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