
Thautam was the dwarven god of mysteries and magic, a blind deity of darkness and lost treasures generally thought to be content puttering away in his workshop.


Thautam was obsessed with recovering as many artifacts from long-lost dwarven civilizations as possible, and also had special interest in protecting dwarven mines of valuable resources like adamantine and mithral.


The followers of Thautam believed that the spark of magic lied within all things, and they worked relentlessly to summon forth the dormant magic in everything from the weapons wielded by dwarven warriors to the mighty walls of a dwarven citadel. Becoming one of his clerics meant learning how to create magic items, especially weapons and armor, with his followers usually being accomplished artisans or smiths and the majority of them knowing how to create at least one kind of magic item.

Divine Domains

Knowledge, Trickery

Divine Symbols & Sigils


Contacts & Relations

Within dwarvish folklore Thautam acted as a kindly uncle to Moradin, choosing to mutter advice to the Soul Forger from time to time. His allies included many earth elementals of various sizes, his herald being an elder member of their kind of astonishing toughness.
Divine Classification
Lesser deity


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