Thoth (thoth)

Thoth known as Tholaunt in Thay and Thalatos in Unther, was the scribe and historian of the Mulhorandi pantheon. He was an intellectual deity known for academic debate and innovation.


Worship of Thoth was most common among the scribes and historians of Mulhorand, but could also be found in the nations of Unther and and Murghôm. He was also often considered a patron of neutral-aligned spellcasters.

Clergy of the church of Thoth typically wore linen skirts or robes and sandals. Their shaven heads bore the concentric blue circles that signified their calling, and they carried writing utensils and parchment with them at all times. When preparing for combat, clergy of Thoth equipped themselves appropriately for the situation but avoided armor and selected simple weapons whenever possible.

Clerics of Thoth prayed for spells at dawn.

Clergy in the church of Thoth were typically Mulan belonging to the House of Tholaunt, a house composed of mortal descendants of incarnations of Thoth himself. These individuals devoted much of their time to continual research and study, as well as spreading the knowledge obtained in this way to the people of Mulhorand.

The centre of the church of Thoth was the Arcanum of Magic, located in the city of Gheldaneth. Temples dedicated to Thoth typically served as the libraries and centers of learning of Mulhorand. These structures often incorporated and showcased grand feats of engineering and foreign knowledge in their design.


The church of Thoth ran the scribe's guild in Mulhorand, the members of which often served as record keepers and in other similar government positions.
  • Order of the Ibis Feather - These elite scribes directly served the pharaoh of Mulhorand.
  • Brothers and Sisters of the Quill - These priests and wizards were charged with retrieving and protecting the secrets of their nation in the lands beyond Mulhorand's border.

Divine Domains


Divine Symbols & Sigils

Physical Description

Specialized Equipment

His quarterstaff was almost always close at hand. Thoth's Staff of Office was both a powerful artifact and a repository of ancient magic Thoth could draw upon. Those struck by his staff faced instant death.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Thoth and Oghma were engaged in friendly competition to determine who could gain the most followers in the nation of Unther.

During the Second Sundering, Thoth and other deities from the pantheon returned in the form of demigods and led the Mulhorandi uprising against the Imaskari, in a manner similar to how the Chosen manifested in other regions. As of 1489 DR, Mulhorand was led by the returned pantheon, who temporarily set their differences aside for the good of the Mulhorandi people.


Contacts & Relations

Thoth was an elder member of the Mulhorandi pantheon, and considered Horus-Re, Isis, and Osiris to be close allies. He also forged favourable relationships with Azuth, Deneir, Gond, Oghma, Mystra, and Savras. Only Set and his followers were seen as true enemies of Thoth, though he was known to intervene in the actions of the Red Wizards of Thay as well.

Thoth felt indifference towards the rest of Faerun's deities of magic. Unlike Isis he held no strong feelings towards the Shadow Weave, viewing it simply as a foreign tool for magic and nothing more.
Divine Classification
Honorary & Occupational Titles
Lord of Magic
Scribe of the Gods
Knower of All Secrets
Keeper of Knowledge
King of Knowledge
Protector of Murghôm


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