Urogalan (URR-oh-GAH-lan)

Urogalan was the halfling deity of earth and death. His symbol was the silhouette of a dog's head.

Urogalan was a gentle deity for a god of death, respected and revered by his chosen race but never feared. He was seen as a protector of the dead. Because halfling dead were usually buried in the earth, he was also the guardian of the earth itself (as opposed to the green plants that grow in the earth, which were the dominion of other halfling deities).

Urogalan rarely spoke or showed emotion. His voice, rarely heard, was tinged with loss. In appearance, Urogalan was a slim, dusky-skinned halfling dressed in brown or pure white, representing his two primary aspects of earth and death.  


Few halflings actually worshiped Urogalan, but most honoured and propitiated him.

Though he was propitiated by many halflings, Urogalan's priesthood was small. They administered last rites, presided over burials, and cared for halfling graves. They also maintained much of halfling genealogies and histories, and consecrated the foundations of new buildings and burrows. Their favoured weapon was the flail.

Urogalan's novices were called Earthlings, while his full priests were called Vassals of the Black Hound. They wore simple, ankle-length robes tied with belts of rope. They were always bare-footed. Priests typically shaved their heads, while priestesses bound their hair in twin braids.

Urogalan's faithful believed that just as the earth is the giver of all life, so it ultimately receives all life into its embrace. They revered the soil and embraced death when their natural lives came to an end.

Divine Domains

Earth, Death, Grave, Knowledge

Divine Symbols & Sigils

Silhouette of a dog's head


Contacts & Relations

The halfling pantheon of gods consisted of the leader Yondalla, as well as Arvoreen, Brandobaris, Cyrrollalee, Sheela Peryroyl, and Urogalan himself. Urogalan was on good terms with the rest of his pantheon, but somewhat removed from their embrace of life. Urogalan was allied with Callarduran Smoothhands, Dumathoin, Flandal Steelskin, Grumbar, Segojan Earthcaller, and Sehanine Moonbow. He was also allied with human deities associated with earth and the protection of the dead such as Kelemvor.

Urogalan was opposed to Abbathor and Urdlen. He abhors Velsharoon and those gods associated with necromancy and the undead.
Divine Classification
Lawful neutral
Honorary & Occupational Titles
He Who Must Be
the Black Hound
Lord in the Earth
the Protector
the Shaper


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