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Melians Pass

Prior to Rapture, Melians Pass had simply been the place for one of many smaller hill forts; outposts where traders could rest and recouperate, where soldiers could raid out against bandits, and where lords might extract tolls on passing caravans. But as with many things, Rapture changed that. As most of the landmass of Talam was drowned and shaken by earthquakes, smaller forts on lower ground were swallowed and destroyed, or overtaken by surviving Legions of Voyshka, Melians Pass remained in the hands of Laoch. And as the sea levels rose, the hills for which Melians Pass was named instead became a coastal strait.   This rocky, barren fortified strait has since Rapture become one of the most important geographical features of Talam, since it forms a maritime gate for the trading route all the way from the Dwarven Road in the northwest, to the Hollow Hills in the southwest, to Laoch and Limant in the east.


Melians Pass forms a series of three hills, the one to the south connected to the landmass of Risenplain and the northern one connecting to the rocky shore to the south of Ghearas. It is in between these two coastlines that one finds Melians Ax itself, a great mountainous hill of grey rock and gravelly shores upon which there stands a fort, simply known as the fort of Melians Pass. There are also two smaller barracks, located on the coasts to the north and south of The Ax, which together with the fort proper create an iron grip on the strait currently held by Laoch. It is also worth mentioning that the straits become unpassable during low tide except for by shallow canoes, as the sea shrinks back to reveal broken surf and sharp rock below the surface of the water.
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