Part 2 - Dragon Island Plot in The Forsaken Realm | World Anvil

Part 2 - Dragon Island

As you step towards the teleportation array, your hearts race with a mixture of fear and uncertainty. The order has come as a shock, and you haven't had time to fully process the implications. Thoughts swirl in your mind like leaves caught in a storm, worries about the unknown dangers you'll face, the loved ones left behind, and the possibility of never returning home.   With a sense of trepidation, you step onto the designated platform. Before you can even utter a word, the array crackles to life with a blinding intensity. Panic claws at your chests as the magical energy envelops you, squeezing the air from your lungs and leaving you feeling weightless and disoriented.   In that moment, the force of the teleportation is like nothing you've ever experienced. It feels as though your very essence is being torn apart, your body stretched and twisted beyond its limits. You cry out in agony, but your voice is lost in the chaos of the swirling magic.   Just when you think you can't endure another moment of the unbearable pressure, it abruptly ceases. With a sickening lurch, you find yourself stumbling forward, your senses reeling from the disorienting journey. Nausea washes over you in relentless waves, worse than anything you've ever felt before.   As you struggle to regain your bearings, you realize with a sinking feeling that you've arrived at your destination. But there's no time to dwell on your discomfort. The sounds of battle echo in the distance seas, a grim reminder of the challenges that lie ahead. With a shaky breath, you steel yourself for what comes next, knowing that you must find the strength to face the unknown horrors of war.

As you regain your bearings the salty ocean breeze carries with it a faint scent of sulfur, hinting at the island's fiery origins. You've heard about it many times but you could never fathom it's existence. You are on the back of the Leviathan known as Lion Turtle, an ancient and primordial creature that swims the seas with majestic grace, here lies the Dragon Island.   The creature's shell, weathered by eons of existence, serves as the craggy exterior of the island, rising high above the azure waters like a mountain range. Its massive form strikes awe into the hearts of all who catch sight of it from afar, a testament to the raw power of the natural world.   The Lion Turtle's movements are slow and deliberate, guided by ancient instincts that have long since faded from memory. Standing at the base of a towering statue of the Lion Turtle, its stone form weathered by time and adorned with intricate carvings, you feel a sense of reverence for the creature that carries this entire ecosystem upon its back.

The island itself is a sprawling mass of lush forests and jagged cliffs, teeming with life of all kinds. Ancient stone statues of dragons, reminiscent of the creatures that once roamed the land, stand as silent sentinels amidst the verdant foliage. The air is alive with the invigorating scent of salt and the distant sound of crashing waves, a constant reminder of the ever-present ocean surrounding the island. Your path marked by the guild winds through rugged terrain, the landscape unfurling before you in a tapestry of verdant valleys and soaring peaks. The air is crisp and invigorating, carrying with it the scent of pine and earth. Above, the sky stretches out in an azure expanse, dotted with wisps of cotton-white clouds. It is noon and you must find your guild before nightfall or risk missing the expeditionary force entirely.
Plot type
Party Assembly - Introduction
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