Orcs Species in The Four Realms of Infinitum | World Anvil


Orc bear the god's gift of the negligence, they were born simple and happy, they are older than most of the ancestries While the Gods are immortal, in the sense that they are not susceptible to aging and disease.   However, altought more negligent than their fellow ancestries, the Orcs were just as bound to Godly Realms as their Elven or Dragon counterparts were. The fate foretold by the Old-Gods was one of resentment for the simple things, plagued by anger and frustration of their being. Flax declared that, after the creation of the gift of the orcs, that was supposed to cause a simple life would cause them to suffer. Orcs would play a part in the "Rebirth of the 4 Realms", as they and their minds would easily be controlled by the evil that lurks in the shadows amongst the other gods.   Koandicen foretold that the Race of Orcs, with their suffering and anger, would often go against their own their closed mind not able to accept others and their looks due to their bigotry. However, He also noted that "The love of arts and crafts" and other mortals, in their time, shall help them find themselves and learn to understand each other, that working together will always bring more effort in love or ambition to achieve the goals the orcs would strive for.

Basic Information


The orcs body is unshaped and unpolished diamond. It is composed of many different types of arcane cells that together create the body and subsequently power systems. They ensure the viability of their more wild magic body. The body anatomically is a taller and more muscular version of that of the human. Many systems and mechanisms interact in order to maintain the bodies, with safe levels of substances such as beer and oxygen in their white blood. The body is studied by health by Priests and Orcish Shamans to assist them in their work. As most Orc bodies when they die compose into a pile of flesh.

Growth Rate & Stages

Orcs, like humans, age slowly, they stay in their childhood from the age of 5 to the age of 20, which is when their puberty starts kicking in where they grow and change until they reach the age of 60, for males this means their voice becomes deeper and their body turn bulkier and their skin color starts becoming more vibrant as for females their features like chests, hips and natural muscles start developing.   After the ages of 60 Orcs start entering their middle lifespan from 61 to 90, their cells start regressing, and they become more aggressive (in most cases) able to master their combat prowess in between those 30 years of their life.   At the ages of 90 and up Orcs start the last stage of their lifespan, being their lasting age, teaching and bringing their skills to the next generation ready to resolve their mortality and give on their gifts, they mostly stay in training positions or as teachers until the day comes when they fall asleep and die peacefully

Dietary Needs and Habits

Orcish dietary needs deals with the hunt and consumption of large amounts of Fish and Vegetables, specifically potatoes, some orcs going their entire lives on a potato or fish only diet.
Varied nutrition is a known thing about the orc race, leading them to have a mixed about of bodily builds ranging from some to being very slender and small with long lavish hair to others being large and wide, with bald heads
Demonym Mud Elf, Ogre, Swampling
Scientific Name
Viridis Muta
140 to 200 years
Average Height
1,6 to 2,0m. / 5,2" to 6.5"
Average Weight
60-120 kg ./ 135 to 265 lbs.


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