Tribes of the Wyrmkin Organization in The Four Realms of Infinitum | World Anvil

Tribes of the Wyrmkin

The tribe is a collection of groups of diverse wyrmkind beings that have banded together under a singular tribal structure. Even though the tribal way is sometimes deviated from, these different tribes are what most people know of humanoid wyrmkind. There is no singular tribe of the halfborn dragonkin, but their tribes all over the realms that interact and know each other with a simular structure and ruling deminon.


Over several centuries in isolation, these wyrmkind people developed their own distinctive culture, with a language, mythology, crafts, and performing arts that evolved independently from those of other cultures. Some early members moved to other realms, such as Vindictus, where their descendants became an indigenous Draconic ethnic group known as the Draconic Kobolds.

Public Agenda

The tribe strives to grow in size and welcomes individuals to join them in their beliefs and rituals, particularly if they possess any type of draconic features, such as horns, scales, or tails of draconic origin. This inclusive approach fosters a sense of kinship among those with a connection to draconic traits, strengthening the communal bond within the tribe.


The Tribe may lack material wealth, but their influence extends far beyond their limited possessions, reaching into the realms of the outer gods. This connection grants them the ability to exert control over dragons, particularly when the False Queen, a powerful entity, enters a deep slumber. In these moments, the Tribe's mastery over these majestic creatures becomes evident, showcasing the potency of their ties to the divine and their unique role in the cosmic order.


Initial contact between the Tribe and other residents occurred in Patrium Manus, commencing 200 years ago. The interactions ranged from beneficial trade to lethal violence. The Tribe actively embraced various technologies introduced by the newcomers. However, despite the signing of a treaty, their cultures coexisted for only a generation. Rising tensions, particularly over disputed land sales, escalated into conflict, resulting in massive land confiscations. In response, the Tribe mounted fierce resistance, highlighting the deep-seated complexities and challenges in their relationship with the other people of other species and mostly remains hostile to outsiders not willign to join them.

Tenets of Faith

The tribe's faith is intricately tied to their queen, who is seen as a messenger for Ryu Jin's words. In some instances, this myth holds true, and the queen is genuinely able to channel Ryu Jin's essence, becoming a conduit for divine guidance. However, the narrative takes on a darker shade at times, where a power-hungry queen exploits the belief system, manipulating her subjects for personal gain. This duality adds complexity to the tribe's religious dynamics, navigating the delicate balance between genuine spiritual connection and the potential for misuse of divine authority.
Alternative Names
Wyrmkind Tribe, Kobold Tribe
Halfborn Dragonkin
Neighboring Nations
Related Species


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