Draconic Kobolds Species in The Four Realms of Infinitum | World Anvil

Draconic Kobolds

Kobolds are small humanoid beings with both fey and draconic variants. Known for their individualistic appearances, the draconic kobolds mirror the size and intelligence of their fey counterparts, hence sharing the name "kobold." These creatures blend whimsy and cleverness.

Basic Information


Kobolds are compact humanoid creatures, measuring between 1 to 1.5 meters in height, and embodying a distinct draconic anatomy. Their heads boast bulbous dragon-like features, adorned with small, pearl-like eyes that gleam with an innate mischievous intelligence.    Protruding from their skulls are small, pointed horns, subtly emphasizing their draconic heritage. A tiny, expressive tail extends from their bodies, contributing to their agile movements. The kobolds' hands are equipped with claws reminiscent of dragon talons.

Genetics and Reproduction

Kobolds, known for their exceptional fertility, hold some of the highest birth rates among humanoid races, with pregnant females laying eggs within a remarkably short two-week period. Approximately one in ten pregnancies resulted in the laying of two eggs. Despite needing about two months of incubation, the robust eggs allowed the hatchlings to walk within hours of birth, and even if the egg broke prematurely by up to fifteen days, the young inside could survive. Rapid maturation characterized kobold youth, reaching young adulthood in just six years. In communal nests, specialized foster parents safeguarded the eggs and watched over the emerging wyrmlings.   Some rare kobold offspring exhibited distinctive traits, with certain individuals possessing wings, while others were identified as dragonwrought, displaying signs of lineage from a specific color of draconic ancestor. Dragonwrought eggs could be discerend by the speckles of the dragon's color on the shell, increasing in number during the incubation period.    Rituals dictated that dragonwrought eggs be taken to sacred hatching places, ensuring that these kobolds could be raised above ground, particularly for those with wings, who needed to learn to use their newfound appendages.


Draconic Kobolds thrived in the shadows for numerous decades, favoring subterranean dwellings or dense forest habitats in tribal societies until around 1020 BTC. In these crowded environments, the notion of privacy ceased to exist, leading kobolds to sleep in communal spaces where nudity held no stigma or offense, even across gender lines.   Their cultural dynamics reflected a deep respect for authority figures, and their obedience was particularly evident when governed by a heroic leader with strong religious beliefs. However, a significant shift occurred when Kobolds were forced to venture to the surface, adapting their tribes cultures to that of humans and dragonkin, the species they currently resemble the most in terms of behavior and psychology.

Civilization and Culture

Culture and Cultural Heritage

Fey Kobolds

While Draconic kobolds dominate the landscape, Fey Kobolds occasionally emerge with distinctive traits round faces and the absence of horns. Despite sharing a similar cultural foundation with their draconic counterparts, Fey Kobolds are renowned for their mischievous tendencies. Intriguingly, their genetic predisposition to primal magic often propels them into leadership roles within kobold tribes.  

Wyrmkin Kobolds

Branded as both simpletons and cowards, these Kobolds exhibit a penchant for familial bonds, traditionally adhering to a joint family system where the eldest male assumes leadership. Renowned for their aptitude and harboring an intense disdain for other humanoids, certain Draconic Kobolds forge unconventional paths, integrating with dwarves in mountainous enclaves or basking in the splendor of dragon hoards. These outliers defy the stereotype of cowardice.
Genetic Ancestor(s)
Scientific Name
Parvus Draconis
80 years
Average Height
1.0 - 1.50 m
Average Weight
28-35 kg
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