A collection of Human tribes that originate from the Rhen River Valley north of the Vunos Mountains in northwestern Ione. In the aftermath of the fall of the Rexan Empire more than a century ago, the Rhenish homeland split into three large duchies who now war with one another over control of the Rhen Valley.
Naming Traditions
Feminine names
Ælfflæd, Beadohild, Cuthwyn, Cyneswith, Ealhild, Frythegith, Frithugyth, Godgyth Gytha, Hilda Hildeburg Hildegard, Inga, Leoflæd, Leofrun, Mæthild, Matilda. Mildrith, Nothgyth, Osgyth, Osthryth, Ricola, Rymenhild, Saegyth, Siflaed, Wulfwaru, Wulfwyn, Ymma.
Masculine names
Asbjorn Giedda Forwine Bemmere Vald Eidin Gyriar Raudulf Aefn Ufa Gouti Elffrid Winebil Botoli Thor Eornric Aetti Eege Toli Bald Ewaru Daecca Torra Eald Wyrming Teobba
Family names
Surnames are not used in Rhennish culture; patronyms are used instead. Males attach the suffix "-son" to their fathers' names, whereas, women attach the suffix "-dohtar".
Major language groups and dialects
- Eastern Rhenish
- Western Rhenish
- Northern Rhenish