Story Summary: S2C6
The protagonists arrive in Qaiyo, capital of Cqiio, land of the High Elves. They quickly realise that the locals aren't keen on anyone who isn't their own. The protagonists explore the city looking for the 'collector' and soon ascertain that he has some connection to the museum in the Education Plaza. Once in the museum, the protagonists encounter a security golem and a strange box, the former of which quickly befriends them and leads them into the Vaults, where they get lost in a ghost's maze. They eventually meet the Collector, who is much less helpful than expected. After a quick test of the Realmshifter (which ends with Emil taking an unknown substance), he rushes off to an 'appointment' and tells the protagonists to meet him in the Second Forth Gardens. Story Summary: S2C7.Remove these ads. Join the Worldbuilders Guild