First Son of the Shadows

For our Father, we will cleanse these lands from the intruders.

History of the Obsidian League

  Upon the gread sundering into the Mellhedhren and Fuínmarr, the children of the fourth proto-elf found themselves at a crossroads. The Fuínmarr who continued to follow their god-father Markazz were adorned with great powers over the realm of dreams, but with that power came a price. They deepened their connection to the corrupted Prince of the Dawn, giving him access to their deepest thoughts and secrets and entry into their dreams at night.   Some of them came to regret their loyalty to their forebear, but some others, the zealots, reveled in their newfound power and purpose. They became the Obsidian League, the carriers of Markazz will, the glass blades in the dark of night. To this day, the Obsidian Leagues mission is to serve the Master of Dreams.  

The First Disciple of a Broken God

  Leading the Obsidian League, who only recruit male elves, is the one called "First Son of the Shadows". The title is currently held by Arondil Snakeeye, but for who long nobody can say. The elder elfs grip is weakening. Some whisper it is only a matter of time until an assassin claims the title for himself. The First Son functions as the connecting piece between the League and Markazz, perhaps the only one permitted to contact the scarred one himself.  


  The primary task of the First Son is to serve the wants of Markazz, fourth child of Tai'San, the Dark Elf, Scarred Conspirer. He receives the true intent of Markazz and his work is spent transforming these wants into tangible goals then to break these down into smaller steps to achieve those goals. To that end, the First Son has a direct connection to the god through his dreams, though he best not use his gift lightly, for Markazz does not suffer unnecessary bothers.   Once tangible goals are set, the First Son commands the various cells of the Obsidian Leagues, giving them objectives to accomplish and quests to fulfill. No one cell receives all the information and the First Son may even give out false objectives to obscure his actual plans.  


  Originally, the Obsidian Leagues goals were the corruption of all elves, as Markazz intended at the time. However, since the gift of love, Markazz has shifted his goals. He now uses the Obsidian League for one primary objective: Secure his current status and keep control of his home.  

Emptying the Lands

  To that end, the current times are tumultuous ones. For the last three millennia, Markazz has called the desolate continent Dephrania his home. Since the extinction of the Dwarves on Dephrania following the Myconic Plague the continent lay deserted of sapient creatures, and it became a haven of solace to Markazz. Solitude was and is his highest desire.   Now that Dephrania has been rediscovered, and settlers of many allegiances are flooding in to claim it, the continent is becoming decidedly too crowded to Markazz taste. His new command for the Obsidian League. Expel the newcomers, at any cost.


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Aug 5, 2024 00:30

Hey there fellow Tomie! Love that you were able to crank this out in time, and doubly glad I got to be a part of the experience. I am very interested in learning more about the Myconic Plague that WIPED OUT an entire species. How terrifying! Great job here, Keep up the good work. I'll be featuring your article in SC24 Reading Challenge.  

Summer Camp ‘24 Reading Challenge
Generic article | Aug 5, 2024

Now playing: Mystember. Coming Soon: The Longest Journey.   Ironsworn RPG Actual Play Fiction: Tales of the Inner Council!
Aug 16, 2024 16:18 by LexiCon (WordiGirl)

Intriguing article. Nice layout and theming as well.   Thank you so much for entering this article category! Quite an interesting read. If you would like me to feature it on one of my reading streams, please feel free to drop by my Twitch channel anytime I'm live and let me know you're watching. (check the schedule here). God bless and much success with your future plans! <3