The Kings Tongues

The Kings Tongues is the royal Aruelian organisation tasked with the delivery of official news throughout the realm.  

Original Cause

  When Aruel first came into existence, they quickly came to suffer from their initial success. At the speed they conquered their neighbors and expanded their borders, they struggled to properly integrate the new lands into the fold of the monarchy.   Because of this, the crown funded the creation of a new order. The Kings Tongues were formed with one initial mission: To deliver the will of the crown even into the most remote areas of the realm. To that end, the King had stables built along all major routes and staffed them with men paid from the royal coffers.   Whenever a Kings edict, proclamation or bounty was issued, the scribes of the capital would copy them and send out bundles on horseback. Whenever the rider carrying the news arrived at the next stable of the Tongues, a rested horse and rider (or multiple at forks in the web of routes) waited for them to receive the news and immediately continue the journey to distribute them.  

Expansion into Charity

  After seeing great success in their initial mission, the order eventually expanded their efforts into commercial areas. For a fee, the Tongues received private persons letters and would carry them along for the ride when the next royal message was being distributed. Initially, the crown rejected this proposal, but after reframing it as a service to the people of the realm, the first Rider of the order could convince the King to permit this new endeavor.   In return the Kings Tongues had to swear to never charge more than necessary for the service rendered and to accept all requests from the poor, with the King paying for their letters instead.  

A New World and the Tooth of Time

  With the rediscovery of Dephrania, the Kings Tongues are rapidly trying to expand their business on the new continent and stake their claim before others do.   Unfortunately, by now their business model has become antiquated. The invention of the steam locomotive and its use by Darian Railways in the new world is quickly showing the Kings Tongues that the time of the horseback rider is coming to a close.


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