
A bankclimber is a mudfish-like amphibian localized to the swamps of Unenshuut. It is notable for its raucous squawk/bark of a territorial call that has an impressive volume for its size.   'Bankclimber' is also occasionally used as a euphemism for a prostitute on account of their behavior.

Basic Information


Quadruped, with back limbs being webbed and larger/stronger than front limbs, which consist of a large claw and a smaller back claw. Its tail is flat and fan-shaped and can be used as an additional limb for jumping when on land. Its head is flat and arrow-shaped.

Biological Traits

Brown, slimy skin with tan webbing and white underbellies; green eyes.

Genetics and Reproduction

Pairs mate for life. Eggs are carried downstream, where they hatch in slower-moving or still waters. As they mature they travel back upstream.

Ecology and Habitats

Invariably located where there is both fresh water (with a mild current is best) and mud, therefore swamps and upper river deltas are preferred.

Dietary Needs and Habits

Insects and tender aquatic plant roots.


Surprisingly territorial; will rear onto back legs/tail to flash belly as a warning and squawk to intimidate intruders. Territories of approximately ten feet are shared by a mated pair.

Additional Information

Uses, Products & Exploitation

A traditional eova snack involves trimming, skewering, and grilling them; the meat is typically eaten on the grilling stick. The skin is usually preferred on and is considered the tastiest part -- occasionally, if the finickiness of the task is tolerated, the skin will be fried separately to either be eaten on its own or crumbled to top other dishes.

Geographic Origin and Distribution

Southern Unenshuut, in particular the swamps of its river deltas.

Average Intelligence

1-2 Years
Conservation Status
Moderate Concern
Average Length
Geographic Distribution


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