Eova (YOH-vuh)

Eova are a humanoid, highly intelligent but hedonistic and impulsive species with a similar lifespan and culture to humans. They are largely nomadic but have a few key (often economically strategic) permanent settlements; family ties are not as important as gild ties, which act as a sort of clan and fall under the larger umbrella of the Cartel.   They are rarely called by their alternate name of eova'cthosai; although eova and nae'cthosai are genetically related and descended from a single race known as the lea'cthosai, both subraces are adamant about the distinction. Though it is not immediately obvious with current eova, like the nae'cthosai they retain a strong connection to nature and the Ega -- their connection is more metaphysical, whereas for nae'cthosai it is more physical.

Basic Information


Bipedal, humanoid.

Biological Traits

Their impulsive nature is bolstered by hormonal 'swings' unique to the individual (but experienced by both sexes), varying from four times a year to around every four weeks. "Cycle harmonizing" tends to occur in established communities, though it is unclear whether individuals instinctively change communities to one more in harmony with their own, or whether the community causes the harmonization. There is also early evidence to suggest that diet changes and removal from eova communities limits swing frequency and length.   Swings are typified as 'peaks' and 'caves'. An individual experiencing a peak may experience mania, greater impulsiveness and risk-taking, restlessness, and insomnia. An individual experiencing a cave may experience higher creativity, increased appetite and sleep, paranoia, and more vindictive/violent outbursts.   What many do not realize is that these swings are in fact a result of eova's unconscious powerful connection to the heavily-nuanced tides of the Ega itself; their Ega is in fact far more potent than that of other species and, if those who could tell would admit it, closer to Ega in its raw form -- were eova able, they could influence the Ega's own tides.

Additional Information

Facial characteristics

Their ears are larger than humans', and tend to take various leaf-like shapes. Their hair ranges from black through green to green-blond(e), occasionally brown.

Geographic Origin and Distribution

A significant portion of the population remains in Unenshuut, but in recent years gilds are beginning to establish themselves elsewhere.

Average Intelligence


Perception and Sensory Capabilities

Capable of Ega-channeling but any degree of mastery is uncommon.

Civilization and Culture

Naming Traditions

Eova surnames typically follow the 'double-noun' or 'adjective-noun' naming convention; some eova will even deliberately alter or change their surnames to nod to their gild majora (or alternatively, very old eova families may have names that match or resemble their gild's). Name changes -- both first and last -- are common generally as loyalties and whims change, as they hold little regard / see little purpose for genealogy.   A traditional eova colloquialism for 'mother' is 'mèma', with 'tadi' for 'father' and 'bisso' for a nonbinary parent. As extended families and communal child-rearing is common, non-biological parents may be called mèma, bisso, or tadi with a descriptive prefix, such as 'tall-mèma', 'third-tadi', or 'star-bisso' (for one with a star tattoo).

Major Organizations

The Cartel, which oversees Gilds.

Beauty Ideals

Augmenting the body is embraced and seen as normal -- tattooing, piercings, aesthetic scarification, etc are common. Considering their skin pigmentation betrays their emotions, there is a questionable practice of 'deadening' the skin (to black) in order to disguise one's feelings; some will also use this technique in place of scarification as a form of tattooing.

Courtship Ideals

Despite the fragility of long-term monogamy and marriage being rarer still, a growing practice is for one eova to give their partner a crescent moon -shaped ring once the relationship reaches a certain level of seriousness; accordingly, the partner then accepts the 'proposal' by piercing a part of the body with this ring. Eova women often choose the septum, lower lip, or ear, while men often choose the ear, eyebrow, or lower lip. This ring is sometimes sardonically called a "moon tithe", referring to the debt-like perception of monogamy. Alternatively more sentimental, genuine terms include "give him/her the moon", and "heart-sliver".

Relationship Ideals

Eova are passionate. While not absent, long-term monogamy in the form of marriage is less common in their chaotic, hedonistic lifestyles; it is regarded as an largely unattainable goal and many choose to not bother pursuing it. However, short-term monogamy is very common and breaches of it -- though accepted as largely inevitable -- almost always results in fiery disputes. Many believe relationships with other species are too troublesome and so tend to choose only other eova as partners.   Eova are fond of and place high importance on the well-being of children, and large families communally-raised are common.

Average Technological Level

Relatively high compared to other races, though sustainability and documentation is hit-or-miss.

Major Language Groups and Dialects

Mother Tongue -- Mesik 
Secondary -- Pikpik

Common Etiquette Rules

Crass, overly-familiar, blunt. Little regard for boundaries, but extremely stringent and vigilant when it comes to matters of commerce; a eova is considered both the worst and the best trading partner.

Culture and Cultural Heritage

Eova philosophy tends to view life in atheistic terms -- having only one life, cramming in as much experience, pleasure, and profit as possible is seen as a natural pursuit. Hedonism and heavy undercurrents of intense self-interest are nearly synonymous with eova, and they will only temper themselves when it is seen as profitable to do so.

Common Customs, Traditions and Rituals

One's wealth and how/where one acquired it are of particular importance in eova social standing, as is how one then acts in one's corresponding social strata. In essence, authority and its utilization, flaunting, or abuse is expected to increase with higher levels of wealth, as is -- to a lesser degree -- one's composure.   For example, the term 'cachesitter' is often given to middle-class eova, particular new to wealth (and thus less authoritative), that still behave as if they have very little. These individuals are usually still prone to gross hoarding habits, paranoia, and not using their wealth to acquire the finer things in life and rise above one's origins.


What few eova scholars there are largely cite Seyis-Gol as being their ancestral stomping-grounds, with a large initial migration having then taken them into Unenshuut, likely for trade purposes.

Common Myths and Legends

Superstitious when it comes to money and trade, but superstitions are not consistent and tend to vary by gild or even individual. "Lucky" items, auspicious/inauspicious trading days/times and locations, unlucky numbers/amounts, etc are all features.

Interspecies Relations and Assumptions

Largely for profit only.
Genetic Ancestor(s)
80 Years
Average Height
Males 4'7 to 5'2; females 4'5 to 5'0.
Body Tint, Colouring and Marking
Skin pigment changes with mood:   Neutral/Resting -- Dark gray-green
Anger -- Dark red
Sadness -- Light brown, often speckled
Happiness -- Mottled deep green-blue
Shame/embarrassment -- Dark violet, gray around joints
Fear/anxiety -- Pale ash-gray
Arousal -- Dark green with gold strip down nape and teardrop-shape on sternum
Envy -- Yellow-green splotches
Curiosity -- Gray-blue
Geographic Distribution

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