Darmlegung Spear (DARM-lay-GUNG)

The Darmlegung Spear -- also known as the Hopespear -- is the name given to a weapon wielded by the legendary, larger-than-life nae'cthosai hero Ligafe Yasa. Ligafe reputedly planted the forests -- in some versions only the Mourning Forests around Sahle-ve'Ebaith, in others all Icalaran forests -- and swept clouds over them when they needed rain using the spear. In this manner, considering the nae'cthosai regard themselves as manifestations of Ctho and the Resting period of their lives as ajeabisi, Ligafe can be seen as the nurturer/protector of the fledgling race.   Though it is termed a spear, both in the description of Ligafe planting and tending the forests and in other ascribed tales of the hero, the weapon's exact form appears to vary. As a result some non-nae'cthosai scholars tend to term it simply 'the Darmlegung'. Its form as a spear and Ligafe's act of sweeping the clouds is reflected in the hopespear plant.

Historical Basis

Considering Sahle-ve'Ebaith translates to "resting place of the weapon" and the locale of Ligafe's activities, some have posited that the city is the resting place of the Darmlegung Spear itself despite no archeological evidence of such an artifact.
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