Sahle-ve'Ebaith (SAL-vay-ee-BAYTH)

Sahle-ve'Ebaith is the ancestral seat of the nae'cthosai and as such, arguably the oldest permanent settlement in Icalar. It is located in the southwestern corner of Unenshuut near the border with Kiva and the Precipice. Its population pre-war (c. 985AC) was around 320,000 people, which dropped to around 315,000 people post-war by 1000AC -- due to the closed nature of most nae'cthosai, especially elders, not many of Sahle-ve'Ebaith involved themselves in the war or even affairs outside its borders.   An exact settlement date is unclear and its residents appear disinterested in uncovering or sharing specifics, preferring to say "it has always been here"; however, some outside speculation suggests a date of around 290-315AC. This ambiguity means the settlement is one of many mysteries of the Lost Era, and there is further outside speculation that it may hold the answers to the others.   It is governed by a council of elders known as the Conclave of the Garden, who carry out the will of Ctho as interpreted by three priests, known as the Priests of the Garden.


98% nae'cthosai


Priests of the Garden via the Conclave of the Garden


Its name loosely translates from Luk'Eishar as "resting place of the weapon". Given that if pressed, many nae'cthosai will admit to the looseness of the translation and the lack of resemblance of similar translated phrases to the name, along with the lack of knowledge of its meaning -- but also the legend of the Darmlegung Spear -- raises additional questions over the city's founding and pre-history.


Founding Date
Inhabitant Demonym
Location under
Owning Organization


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