
Drakes are a long-extinct species of Icalaran megafauna that has only recently been acknowledged as factual rather than myth, due to the discovery of fossilized remains. Even still, as much mystery and folklore surrounds them as skepticism, and precise details about the creature have yet to be determined in any conclusive way.

Basic Information


Currently-available fossils have revealed bones that suggest a potentially reptilian creature, winged, and the largest creature on the continent with the exception of caeo. Although a complete skeleton has yet to be found, a length of 50-60ft and wingspan of 80-100ft has been speculated. Currently, fossils have suggested two or more main limbs. The best skeletal samples have included those from the initial construction of Fort Mehl.

Dietary Needs and Habits

Currently, fossils have suggested a partially- to fully-carnivorous diet.

Civilization and Culture

Common Myths and Legends

It is a common fanciful speculation that koza are related to drakes in some way, particularly given the popular myth of the Great Sky Drake and the Plains Hunter.   A popular term is 'once in a drake moon', implying something not seen for long intervals, which is taken from the annual phenomenon of the crescent moon crowning the Great Sky Drake constellation.
100+ Years (Speculated)
Average Length
Approx 50-60ft; wingspan 80-100ft
Geographic Distribution

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