Hahk-Sebi (HOCK-say-bee)

Hahk-sebi is a Klao term meaning 'Hall of the Book', referring to the Books used in the Schools of Combative Arts, and is used to indicate a training dojo not affiliated with a host military. Traditionally, most hahk-sebi focus on a single School/Book; rarely, two Schools/Books are offered in particularly large establishments but tend to keep as much separation as possible. More than two is unheard of.   The first hahk-sebi appeared in the Almighty Shift period not long after the establishment of the Schools themselves, and current nations as we know them began to coalesce and move to organized military systems, which the Schools effectively supported. As the desire for formal training grew, so too did the number of hahk-sebi, staunched only slightly as the countries' militaries grew larger and were able to offer their own training grounds. At this point, the growth of hahk-sebi plateaued and eventually began to tail off after the Bloodwater Period. In modern times, the number of active and reputable hahk-sebi is estimated at less than a hundred throughout Icalar.

Purpose / Function

Martial and philosophical instruction based in one to two of the Schools of Combative Arts. Medium to large hahk-sebi include lodging and meals, and are more desirable due to a belief in increased focus on the art, while smaller establishments offer only training while students commute from elsewhere, and are thus more common near other settlements.
Owning Organization


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