Klalkul (K'LAHL-cool)

A klalkul is a traditional eisorcei weapon in the form of a bident, typically used by a clutchguard, although warfare has never been a cultural focus.   Traditional klalkul were mostly designed for restraining a person at length, with longer shafts and duller and wider-set prongs. However, the Bloodwater Period saw the rise of more of a martial use, and the bidents were also seen in shorter lengths and, moreover, with sharp and/or more elaborately-designed prongs. Flattened, blade-like prongs with two sharp edges each is now standard, as is a narrower set and one prong being slightly longer than the other; most have a slight curve inward.
Item type
Weapon, Melee
Martial -- Common
2-3 stone
Shaft: 5-6ft / Prongs: 0.5-1ft
Raw materials & Components
Solid metal


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