
A Listener is a title given in Creedist belief by an Avatar to a shaman of a Kivan tribe. They are tasked with communing with and interpreting the messages of their tribe's aecasha (ancestors), and are both empowered by and sanctioned to do so by the Avatar. They may also be a tribe's healer or starteller, but are never its Head Tribesman.   Although a tribe may not be Creedist in whole or in part, if the shaman themselves is Creedist -- and occasionally, the Head Tribesman -- then they will visit the Avatar in order to be given the title. Otherwise they are simply the tribe's shaman and may still conduct practices related to ancestor veneration, but it is uncommon for them to place great stock in seeking guidance from the dead or emphasizing their influence on the world of the living.


Traditionally, a deeply spiritual individual rarely below middle-aged, agreed as having the ability to intuit signs in the natural world and commune with a tribe's ancestors. Other qualities include foresight, wisdom, and mediatory skills, as well as a peerless understanding of Kivan culture and history. They often also have knowledge of medicine.


Usually identified by current shamans or -- if none exist in the tribe -- by collective acknowledgement by the tribe.


An interpreter of both the material and the spiritual world for the sake of advising the Head Tribesman and tribe Members. May also be the tribe's healer, midwife, etc., or starteller.
Religious, Special
Form of Address
Listener [first name]
Source of Authority
Length of Term
Until death or loss of ability
Related Organizations


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