Sippoë Bahebb (Sip-OH-WAY BAH-hebb)

Sippoë is an Acolyte at the House of Korzhûn, with Fieron Eburos as her superior.   She is part faun, part human, with her mother being human and her father being a human-faun mix himself.

Physical Description

Body Features

Due to her part faun heritage her legs and feet are partway between those of a human and those of a faun, which causes her much frustration and embarrassment (and, when she was younger and growing, pain).

Facial Features

Small but somewhat flattened nose; somewhat elongated ears with tips curved downward; medium-size ribbed, taupe horns set slightly back from hairline curve backward and out, then down and forward ("stormswept tree" form), with her left being smaller than her right and of which she is embarrassed, leading her to often keep her hair down.

Specialized Equipment

Specially-cobbled shoes to accomodate her feet, which are only partially cloven. When wearing tighter trousers, has them specially-tailored.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Although Sippoë was technically born in Memboti, her parents were only passing through at the time due to one of her father's contracts. Her father Yursi was a migrant worker -- specifically a mason -- and at the time of Memboti's sacking by Xa'aroch in the Season of Waiting, 982AC, had been hired to help build a new battlement. She, her father, and her younger twin brothers (Tyum and Megaoum) survived the attack, but not before Sippoë saw Xa'aroch for herself and unknowingly witnessed the prelude to the death of Sylevinia Steamsong.   Her mother, Tyu'kasi, abandoned her family for reasons unknown shortly before Sippoë turned six.

Mental Trauma

Having witnessed the sacking of Memboti

Intellectual Characteristics

Oron typifies her as 'spirited' and 'driven'.

Personality Characteristics

Virtues & Personality perks


Vices & Personality flaws

Boldness can sometimes be too precocious. Predisposed to suspicion and skepticism.


Religious Views

Devout Sehndist.

Wealth & Financial state

Low by nature of the vocation.
Current Location
Year of Birth
976 AC 25 Years old
Current Residence
Light brown, frizzy curls
Aligned Organization


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