Tinja (TIN-JUH)

Tinja is the in-world equivalent of coffee, and is made from roasted gungeinga nuts. Depending on the level of roast and the brewing strength, different degrees of stimulant can be achieved. Owing to the gungeinga's preference for desert climates, most tinja comes from Balaqalneyis but pre-war, cultivation experiments were beginning in Kiva.   The term is used for both the brewed drink and the roasted nuts (whole, cake, or ground).   It typically has a roasted, fruity nut taste and is reddish-brown in color. Although typically served hot, Qalneyans have been known to drink it cold. It is usually drunk plain, and although drunk as a stimulant it actually also has stomach-calming effects.   It was traditionally regarded as a working-class drink. However, during the War of the Six and the long, drawn-out campaigns it gained traction among lower-ranked soldiers and gradually made its way upward, developing a reputation as a soldier's drink; by war's end it had gained more widespread acceptance throughout Icalar by multiple classes.
Item type
Consumable, Food / Drink


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