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Archie Parathax

  The hot headed, prideful wonder boy of the Parathax family, Archie Parathax has long yearned since childhood to make a name for himself in the galactic charters as something of a hero, one to be remembered for the millennia to come.   Born into the prestigious Parathax family, a wealthy and renowned family with a long history of serving in the United Coalition Star Corps, Archie had the weight of his families legacy on his shoulders from before he was even born. Growing up, Archie learned much about his forebears, their long military careers, their accomplishments, their deeds. This instilled within the young human a desire to meet these expectations, manifesting in a personality that could only be described as impulsive and reckless. While many of his peers worked hard the in academy to earn their grades to enlist in the Star Corps, Archie just barely made it through, believing his family name was enough to pass any test, he would often waste his days getting into fights, wooing the local girls and spending long hours partying. It was only when he passed by several points, the lowest in the Parathax history did the pressure truly set in. Having been assigned to the Kerrano under request from his father, Archie's new Captain, Nialia Tikwi was initially hesitant to take on this ''arrogant'' human, feeling his brash hunger for glory would prove a detriment, nevertheless, orders were orders.   At first this very much turned out to be the case, with Archie frequently pushing the Captain to actively seek combat, frequently monitoring local traffic in the hopes of pirate spotting, deliberately sending their location beacon out while in hostile territory, and even making several advances on the Captain herself. These actions nearly had Nialia requesting a call for transfer until she caught a different side of Archie, reading the great deeds of his forebears in his room alone, almost sombrely. Realising she was once the same as Archie, a young kid hungry for glory, seeking approval, her cold treatment towards him shifted, and in the coming months, she would begin to connect with Archie better, empathising with his situation and choosing to guide him on how best to utilise his skills. particularly in tactical deduction and reconnaissance that not even he was aware of.   After several months, their trust for one another had grown stronger, with Nialia seeing real potential in Archie, who in turn was content to supress his more prideful and arrogant tendencies in order to better work with his team, gaining a genuine connection with them all and excelling as Nialia's second in command, something the Captain one day hopes to use as she grooms him for command, and though his flirtatious side still attempts to woo his commanding officer, Nialia is more content to entertain the notion than before, even spending nights in her room, ''teaching'' him battle strategies.
  Name: Archie Parathax   Age: 21   Birthplace: Lokat Prime   Species: Human   Pronouns: He/Him   Sexuality: Heterosexual   Height: 6’1   Hair: Black   Eyes: Brown   Alias: ''The Parathax wonder boy'', ''Bone head'' (by Nialia)   Occupation: Pilot/Second Officer   Weapons: Gilded Raygun, Electro Knuckle Dusters   Ship: The Kerrano (Crew)     Allegiance: The United Coalition   Likes: Battle, Kelomian Holomovies, Kithi Girls   Dislikes: Admin, Patrols, Malarogs


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