BUILD YOUR OWN WORLD Like what you see? Become the Master of your own Universe!


  ''Most humans spend their whole lives avoiding danger, I live for it.'' - Astra   Born in the year 2740 on the moon of Boran III to a family of merchants, Astra grew up exposed to the vast and diverse galaxy from the moment she could walk. Often bored working with her parents in their store, Astra sought out excitement and trouble on the streets of her city, partaking in everything from illegal speeder races, to petty crimes. Despite her parents best efforts to curb her behaviours, Astra had a fire for excitement in her that could not be quelled. Eventually, this desire for adventure and thrill led to her running away from home at the age of 16, drifting from job to job, at first with several mercenary and smuggling groups while she searched for her place in a galaxy before winding up as the top smuggler (and personal side piece) for Yakana gang leader Forlugi. Here she would develop a keen understanding of the galactic underworld and befriend many of the more unsavoury characters that rejected society to establish their own order of chaos.   After 2 years of working for Forlugi, she had made a name for herself as a capable and quick witted individual who would take any job so long as the pay was right. However, after a series of unfortunate and tragic circumstances, Astra would leave Forlugi's gang on bad terms due to her own personal feelings around the gangsters methods. Once again becoming a wanderer of the stars, alone, jaded and depressed, searching for her place in life. Not a year later, the reputation Astra had developed attracted the attention of the illusive spy guild, who after some persuasion, convinced Astra to join with them, absolving her identity and many of her previous arrest warrants in exchange for working for the secret order. Now after many years, Astra has become known as the guilds ‘’Golden Girl’’ seductive as she is deadly, she has become one of their most capable agents, remorseless, creative and always with a trick up her sleeve.
  Name: Astra [REDACTED]   Birthplace: Boran III   Age: 25   Species: Human   Pronouns: She/Her   Sexuality: Pansexual   Hair: Blonde   Eyes: Blue   Height: 5'9   Occupation: Spy   Weapons: High caliber Raygun, Electro Knife, Sticky Bombs, Plasma Rifle, Incendiary Grenades   Ship: The Midnight (Tukuvian Class)   Aliases: The Golden Girl, Blonde Bitch, Trickster of Waraxx, Forlugi's Side Piece.   Likes: Adventure, Strong Wine, Soonth Music, Gambling, Black Coffe.   Dislikes: Tentacles, Enslavement, Bootlickers, Vetrex.   Allegiance: Spy Guild, Urgo's Empire


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