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Blimgark Grok

  Blimgark Grok is a Oogari galactic trader and businessman. His trade? Bodies. For decades, Blimgark has been one of the major players within the galaxies slave trade, thousands of individuals are bought and sold by his organisation annually, ranging from cannon fodder foot soldiers, exotic pleasure slaves and even gladiatorial champions. This large catalogue is made possible by Blimgark's extensive connections within Yakana and Corpo space, where the greedy Oogari buys prisoners, captives and pre-trained slaves in bulk. After each large purchase, Blimgark makes his way through the galaxy to set up shop on numerous worlds, often local slave markets and brothels, personally overseeing the sales and haggling with potential customers in order to sell his slaves at high prices. So notorious is his operations across the stars, many have taken to calling Blimgark, ''The Body Baron'', a moniker that is even listed on his official UC Bounty.   This method of buying and selling should have made Blimgark exceptionally wealthy, enough to even retire. However, in his earlier years, a young and overly ambitious Blimgark had made a series questionable financial decisions, ranging from loans to buy his first slaves, to raking up tabs across various bars he had no intention of paying. This steep debt has left Blimgark with many enemies and foes, all of whom wish to put a plasma bolt through his large head or make some of their credits back. With the pressures mounting, Blimgark has no choice but to continue his illicit trade through the stars, constantly in need of credits to pay off both his guards, his debts, and local officials for permission to run his business. The small moments of relief for the Oogari are typically sated by a wide array of cosmic drugs, drinks and especially his slaves. Often choosing the prettiest and most exotic of his stock to spend an evening in his quarters, where his stresses and lusts are slaked onto the poor soul before him.
Name: Blimgark Grok   Age: 89   Birthplace: Waraxx   Species: Oogari   Pronouns: He/Him   Sexuality: Pansexual   Height: 4'5   Hair: N/A   Eyes: Blue   Alias: The Body Baron   Occupation: Slave Tycoon   Ship: The Torment (Tukuvian Class)   Weapons: Electro-whip, Modified Elemental Raygun   Allegiance: Blimgark's Bodies   Likes: Pretty slaves, Boogun Bugs, Power Naps   Dislikes: Tariffs, Stingy Customers, The United Coalition


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