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Forlugi Quarrix

  ''I have a score to settle with this galaxy, I will take what it took from me tenfold.''   A low-level Grelak in the Yakana Cartel, operating out of his bar The Paunchy Ualgom Forlugi is the definition of unrestrained ambition.   By self-admittance, Forlugi's formative years are considered hazy at best, what is known is that he was born into slavery on the Ratrizar Capital of Orrachor. It was during these years that his foggy memories shed some light, while still just a whelp he was drafted into the 457th Slave Legion for the Imperial Army, memories of a plasma rifle being shoved into his hands and given the order to charge the enemy were common place among brief moments of respite in the makeshift barracks on occupied worlds. This period of his life, spanning over 40 years, embittered Forlugi, time after time he came close to losing his life to a stray laser bolt or explosive mine, receiving no thanks or rewards for his brave efforts by his captors. However, unlike many of his comrades in chains, Forlugi desired greatness, and would do anything to leave a true mark on the Galaxy.   This opportunity presented itself when the transport fleet containing his regiment was ambushed by Yakana backed Pirates, during the ensuring boarding and chaos, Forlugi threw down his arms and offered to join the pirates in capturing or massacring his comrades and captors. This display of cruelty in order to save his own life earned him the admiration of the crews sadistic Captain, who recruited Forlugi as a member of his gang in exchange for half of his pay per raid. Over the next 10 years, he ravaged and raided the stars, learning much about the larger galaxy and it's workings. While his fellow crewmates spent their loot on drugs, booze and pleasure, Forlugi began saving a portion of his earnings in secret, aiming to eventually use this fortune to pay off his Captain and leave the gang, rather than spend the rest of his life as a pirate constantly avoiding death or capture. Eventually this came to pass when one day, during a stayover in Waraxx, Forlugi laid his credits bare for the Captain and thanked him for freeing him. Upon leaving the gang, he purchased a run down bar on the lower levels of the planet, naming this new establishment ''The Charming Ualgom'' after his own natural charisma and soon turned it into a haven for criminals and gangs to work out in exchange for a fee.   After several decades, Forlugi had begun operating these criminal elements himself, becoming associated with The Yakana Cartel once more and earning the title of ''Grelak''. Despite his low status among the other bosses, Forlugi had his sights on the top, a though his resources were still lacking to achieve this goal, he began gathering a small gang of low-lives, exiles and other undesirables to do his dirty work, content to run affairs from the comfort of his VIP longue while his lackeys continued spreading his influence through smuggling and thievery. While his armchair method of operation certainly did not help the upkeep of his physical prowess (even earning his bar the new ''Paunchy'' title) his mind stayed as sharp as ever.   While progress was slow at first, stagnant even, especially in his smuggling enterprise, this all changed during the arrival of a young Astra who had come to Waraxx looking for work. Enamoured by her feisty attitude and beauty, Forlugi put her to work as his newest smuggler, teaching the girl that her body was just as an effective bribe as credits to slip past customs checks.
Name: Forlugi Quarrix   Age: 84   Birthplace: Orrachor   Species: Ualgom   Pronouns: He/Him   Sexuality: Heterosexual   Height: 7'4   Hair: N/A   Eyes: Yellow   Alias: The Paunchy Ualgom   Occupation: Grelak   Weapons: Ray-Rifle, Custom Electro-Mace   Ship: The Lariko   Allegiance: The Yakana Cartel   Likes: Making deals, Growing his influence, Vorgaxian Ale   Dislikes: Being looked down on, the word ''No'', The Ratrizar Empire


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