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  Biology:   Large, slimy and strong, Jogogon bodies are well suited to the damp environments of their home world. Having evolved from tiny grubs millions of years ago, the Jogogons still possess many attributes from their evolutionary ancestors that have aided in their continued survival as a species into the present.   Some of the most notable attributes include their large, prehensile tails, used to glide along surfaces, their wide, constantly salivating mouths used for consuming up to 200,000 calories per day, and perhaps most notably, their slick, constantly secreting skin. A product of their evolution when small Jogogons needed to ward off predators, their slime contains a mild neurotoxin that when, absorbed into the skin of those who come into contact, acts as a natural muscle relaxant, weakening the individual for up to six hours.   As long lived individuals (Ranging from 800-900 years), they can become incredibly wise and cunning, often utilising this sharp intelligence to dominate and control other lifeforms to do their bidding, thus earning them a reputation as conquerors.   Jogogon reproduction is low, with young grubs not reaching adulthood until their late 60s, with gestation periods normally taking 4-5 years. Nevertheless, Jogogn sexual appetites are particularly voracious, able to copulate for hours on end with little fatigue.   Despite these impressive survival traits and long existence in the galaxy, millennia ago, a devastating biological plague was released onto the Jogosi people, decimating their populations until only a small handful remained, forcing the Jogogns to alter their DNA sequencing in order to breed with other species in the hopes of restoring their lost prestige.       History:   Evolving from primordial slugs in the marshes of Freplip, not even the Jogogons themselves are certain how their evolution manifested. Theories have been presented pointing to meddling's by the Cult of Xitan in the rapid forced development of the Jogosi race. These developments granting them long arms with opposable thumbs and a largely enhanced brain that quickly saw their species advanced from simple tribes to a system spanning empire in less than two centuries.   The Jogogons were at one time, perhaps the most powerful beings in the known universe, their culture and influence dominating hundreds of worlds through use of brutal oppression and mass enslavement to enrich themselves. Unfortunately, it was not to last for ther interstellar ambitions, and during a conflict with the Cult of Xitan, now lost to the ages, the Xitanians released a devastating biological weapon specfically targetting Jogogon biology. This outbreak decimated the Jogosi, rapidly causing the collapose of both their populations and their empire until fewer than 30 remained in the stars, their world of Freplip destoryed through unknown means. These few survivors, isolated from the wide devastation affecting their people, went into hiding, witnessing their once glorious empire fade into rumour and legend as younger species moved in to fill the vacuum. Faced with extinction and limited resources, the Jogogons sought to alter their DNA, hoping to restore their lost empire through the means of breeding with other species until they could one day assert control, to limited success.   After several centuries, one ambitious Jogogon, Torg Ruthanzar had emerged as powerful business magistrate, within the Corpo Alliance, slowly building his empire from the ground up, he hoped to one day pass it down to his sole son, a Jogogon who had been successfully capable of mating with other species, Urgo. A son he hoped would one day rule the galaxy once more.
  Homeworld: Freplip   Region: The Expanse Sector   Classification: Gastropod   Status: Alive   Average Lifespan: 800-1000 years   Skin Colour: Various   Hair Colour: N/A   Eye Colour: Various   Average Height: 6'9   Diet: Omnivore   Habitats: Swamps   Allegiance: Independent


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