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Kilk Fomok

  Kilk Fomok is a former member of the Cult of Xitan and current drug manufacturer for Forlugi Quarix.   Born in the Unknown Sector as part of the mysterious Cult of Xitan, Kilk spent most of his life committed to the mission of Xitan, creating genetic Hybrids and abducting beings for further research.   Kilk however proved to be the runt of his his egg clutch. His skills in creating or even testing on larger, more complex species were sub-sufficient, his creations being malformed abominations or lasting less than 5 minutes.   This was unheard of in Pragnarn culture, and his repeated failures in experimenting on anything larger than a cat would see him exiled unceremoniously in a Pragnari exile pod.   After becoming stranded in the Expanse Sector, Kilk was discovered by Forlugi, who upon finding the small alien humorous, invited him into his crew. It was here that Kilk discovered his true talents. Since working on small beings were much more his expertise, Kilk applied his uses to modifying and improving Forlugi’s stash of Boogun Bugs, able to enhance the creatures by giving their venom more potency and longer highs.   As Forlugi’s chief Boogun breeder, Kilk lives in relative comfort under Forlugi’s employment, frequently listening to classical earth tunes and working in his laboratory.
Name: Kilk Fomok   Age: 94   Birthplace: Unknown   Species: Prag'narn   Pronouns: He/They   Sexuality: Bisexual   Height: 3’5   Hair: N/A   Eyes: Black   Alias: Xitan Runt   Occupation: Drug manufacturer   Weapons: N/A   Ship: Pragnarn Exile Pod   Allegiance: The Yakana Cartel (Forlugi’s gang)   Likes: Boogun Bugs, Classical Earth music (Taylor Swift), playing Treggen against Flup   Dislikes: The outdoors, sunlight, cramped spaces.


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