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  Kithi are humanoid beings from the planet Bila. Recognized by their striking colours and sultry dispositions, they are renowned for providing some of the deadliest assassins in the known galaxy.   Biology:   Lithe and graceful beings, the Kithi are natural acrobats, their agility and aptitude for stealth are most likely an evolutionary remnant of their days as a tree dwelling prey species. They possesses excellent eyesight, especially in the dark, and as such are predominately nocturnal on their home world, though they are capable of adapting to brighter environments which is often indicated by the changing hues of their red eyes. Kithi biology is not too dissimilar from beings such as Athraxans and Humans, therefore allowing for Kithi hybrids to exist, often retaining their deep red eyes and a slight indigo hue to their skin. Kithi hair colour also varies wildly depending on which clan they originated from, with these members sporting styles from striking shades of green to subtle violets, members who marry between clans will often produce children who share a mix of the two, with no discernable dominance from either mother or father.   History   Much of early Kithi history was lost during the planets tumultuous period of conflict, where the ruling houses of Kithi society frequently fought and battled amongst themselves for dominance and resources. As such, much of Kithi culture and legend was passed down through oral storytelling and escribed runes at designated holy sites across the planet. Since these times, the Kithi underwent a tenuous unification of the planet, sharing the power between the ruling families who elect a leader from among their own to serve for life, while acting as the figurehead for all Kithi, it's an unspoken fact that the system is still ruled by the families themselves, often betraying and plotting between one another to place a member of their own upon the Lorathan Throne. The Kithi populace themselves are far more peaceful than their ruling elites, though they possess a strong martial culture as a means to both protect themselves and honour their ancestors legacies, these manifest in the training of several martial art and combat practices, the most notable being the 13 signs of Pagashin, an elite training method used to hone ones abilities in the areas of stealth, espionage and assassination. Not long after their modernisation era, the Kithi were discovered by research teams hailing from The Ratrizar Empire, impressed by their martial practices and seemingly homogenous poltical stability, the Ratrizar Empire successfully ''persuaded'' the Kithi to join their ever expanding borders by offering them a choice. Either provide an annual tithe of expert assassins and intelligence operatives or face total subjugation. Since then, the Kithi have enjoyed a fairly hands off governance by their new overlords, providing the Empire with a steady stream of deadly and covert assassins to keep the Empire ''safe'' from their enemies and bring order to rebellious worlds.   Kithi in the present:   Numerous Kithi can be found off-world among the stars, working in all manner of trades. Given their exotic accents and flirty yet aloof personalities, they are most frequently sought after in the entertainment industries, ranging from celebrities to pleasure slaves.  
  Homeworld: Bila   Region: The Expanse Sector   Classification: Mammalian   Status: Alive   Average Lifespan: 70-90 years   Skin Colour: Purple   Hair Colour: Varies between clans   Eye Colour: Red/Yellow/Orange   Average Height: 6'1   Diet: Omnivore   Habitats: Temperate to Sub-Tropical   Allegiance: The Ratrizar Empire


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