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Mina Voluptas

  ‘’Master Urgo loves to hire the best girls in the galaxy! I was meant to be here for 6 months, but that was uhhh…2 years ago? I suppose my services were just too good!’’ - Mina   A lively and passionate Nymphoid from the planet Proserpina VIII, Mina exemplifies her fiery species’ obsession with romance and adventure! Renowned for their arts, music, and most of all, skills in carnal pleasure, her people boast some of the finest trained courtesans in the galaxy, notorious for satisfying any sexual desires a being might have. These professional lovers, known as the Hetaerae, seldom fail to disappoint their clients in whatever physical or emotional requests they do choose, making them an expensive yet undeniably rewarding purchase.   Hailing from Clan Voluptas, an affluent Hetaera guild, Mina cherishes the sanctity her culture places on unbridled sexuality, experiencing an intoxicating kind of religious ecstasy as she connects with the body and soul her partners. This has earned her much prestige from her colleagues for achieving their holy harmony of desires.   Despite being perhaps a bit airheaded and oftentimes extremely gullible, Mina is an expert in matters of the heart, and when it came to her practices, she never lost sight of her craft.   It came as no surprise then when Urgo took notice of the growing reputation this young Hetaera had acquired in the outer worlds, the slug greatly desiring to have her for himself, promising a hefty sum of money to Clan Voluptas in exchange for 6 months of her services, binding it in contract so that the clan wouldn’t lose their prized sister.   Once inside the palace however, Mina’s addictive quality soon consumed Urgo, who would frequently enjoy the extreme sensations that she would bring to their messy ordeals, able to satisfy Urgo in such exotic ways that he hadn’t felt in a century. But as the 6 months drew to a close, Urgo would quietly alter the details of their contract through a loophole, binding Mina to Urgo’s palace for 6 standard years rather than 6 months, now with her firmly within his grasp, Mina was subjected to mind altering brainwashing techniques down in the dungeons, enhancing her more erotic and hedonistic tendencies while subduing her independent thoughts.   Now with 4 years left to go in her contract, Mina can be found performing her exotic and sensual routines in the palace court chamber, using her flexible body to dazzle onlookers.
Name: Mina Voluptas   Age: 24   Birthplace: Proserpina VIII   Species: Nymphoid   Pronouns:   Sexuality:   Height: 5'7   Hair: Indigo/Violet   Occupation:   Weapons:   Ship:   Eyes: Pink/Purple   Aliases:   Allegiance: Clan Voluptas, Urgo's Empire   Likes:   Dislikes:


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