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Nialia Tikwi

  ’’I’m nothing without my ship, she’s a part of me like I am a part of her. I know every bolt fitted to her hull, every rumble and groan is her way of speaking to me. When she’s alive, I guess you could say I am too.’’ - Captain Nialia   Nialia's origin story is rooted on the war-ravaged planet of Jigos during the turbulent era of the 4th Corpo War between the United Coalition and the Corpo Alliance. Her formative years were marked by firsthand experiences of the devastation that war could inflict. She tragically lost her parents during a Corpo Battle fleet incursion into Jigos space. Witnessing her home-world reduced to ruins ignited an unquenchable fire within her, compelling her to shield her people and restore justice to the vast galaxy.   Determined to prevent such calamity from befalling her world again, Nialia joined the United Coalition Star-Corps at the age of 18. Her dedication and adaptability quickly shone through during the grueling training period. After three years, she emerged as a top-performing cadet, excelling notably in the domains of space combat and leadership.   Her journey led her to serve as a lieutenant in the 37th Star Corps battle fleet during the intense 5th Corpo War. In a pivotal showdown above Kilames II, her commanding officer was critically injured when their ship was struck by enemy cannon fire. Faced with adversity and the fleet teetering on the brink of collapse, Nialia rose to the occasion. Leading a daring counterattack, she steered her vessel into the side of the Corpo Dror Class Battleship, rendering the colossal enemy ship powerless. This audacious move prompted the remaining Corpo forces to retreat, marking a resounding victory for the United Coalition and a moment of glory for the young Quwoti Captain.   Nialia's exceptional accomplishments earned her great prestige within the UC ranks. She ascended to the position of Captain of the 53rd Star Corps and was granted her own ship, The Kerrano, a formidable Kolvodrian battleship. Nialia formed a deep spiritual bond with her vessel, and for the next six years, (under the call sign ‘’Daring Crimson’’) she and her loyal crew patrolled United Coalition space, confronting pirates, the Ratrizar Empire, and maintaining peace on unruly worlds.   However, fate took an unexpected turn during a routine patrol near the Hirilan X system. Nialia's fleet fell victim to a cunning ambush by Saithari raiders, resulting in the massacre of many of her crew members and her own capture. Imprisoned on Misario, Nialia endured harrowing training designed to break her spirit and mold her into an obedient slave, destined to be sold to the highest bidder. Tragically, that bidder turned out to be the loathsome Urgo, a master she despised.
Name: Nialia Tikwi   Age: 36   Birthplace: Jigos   Species: Quwoti   Pronouns: She/Her   Sexuality: Bisexual   Height: 5'10   Hair: N/A   Eyes: Purple   Alias: Hero of the 5th Corpo War, Daring Crimson.   Occupation: Fleet Captain   Weapons: Dual Barrelled Raygun Pistol, Shock Baton   Ship: The Kerrano (Kolvodrian Class)   Allegiance: The United Coalition, Urgo's Empire   Likes: Space Travel, Exploration, Stargazing, Mithnari Springs, Vorgaxian Ale   Dislikes: Pirates, Slavers, Her antenna being touched, Soonth Music


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