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  One of the Apex predators of Fecundria IV.   Biology:   As a mostly arboreal species, the Olkeux is well suited to living and traveling between the dense jungle canopies of it's world. Sporting two prehensile tails for assisted mobility, reinforced hooked talons for climbing, thermal vision for detecting prey and armoured scales. The Olkeux typically stalks potential prey over the course of several hours until finding as oppurtune moment to strike. Knowing it is more vulnerable on the ground, the Olkeux makes use of it's two tails to act as a whinch in which it will grab it's target before retreating up back into the trees to finish and consume their meal.   A semi-social species, Olkeux mate for life with one partner who they both hunt with and rear their young, typically laying 2-3 eggs yearly, these pups are taught by their parents how to hunt, groom and avoid other predators before maturing around 2 years of age and setting off to find their own hunting grounds.     History:   As one of the many predators found on Fecundria IV, the Olkeux has faced increasing enchroahment from Urgo's Empire as the Crime Lord has expanded his operational grip on the moon. Hunters have taken fancy to the challenge of aquiring one of these beasts for their collections and have routinely attempted to track and hunt these elusive creatures with some success, the most recent being the aquisition of an especially large Olkeux that for a time lived in Urgo's menagerie of exotic beasts. However, despite the pressures, the Olkeux has been able to thrive with the arrival of new ''prey'' to hunt, enjoying the new flavours of beings with little experience or knowledge on how to survive beyond the walls of Fecundria's populated zones.
Homeworld: Fecundria IV   Region: The Expanse Sector   Classification: Reptilian   Status: Alive   Average Lifespan: 10-12 years   Skin Colour: Brown/Maroon   Hair Colour: N/A   Eye Colour: Red   Average Height: 5'5   Diet: Carnivore   Habitats: Jungle canopies   Allegiance: N/A


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