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  An Athraxan arms dealer, self proclaimed to be the best in the cosmos, Ra-Keth is an ambitious and deceitful arms dealer, known for his ever present smirk and less known for the dagger he'll conceal under his coat while doing so.   Born to a family of humble T'sukan Fruit farmers like many Athraxans, ever since a young age, Ra-Keth felt he was destined for greatness. While many of his people looked to the stars and shuddered of what dangers lied beyond, Ra-Keth only saw oppurtunity, determined to rise above his lowly beginnings and make a name for himself out within the stars, something heavily disproved of by his parents.   Eventually, through his sharp intellect and charming demeanour, he found employ within the administrative arm of the Athraxan interstellar security forces, his role being to track, catalogue and seize highly illegal ''alien'' goods that were routinely smuggled in by rogue elements. Quickly finding himself adept in the skills of bookkeeping Ra-Keth's career record was soon regarded as highly impressive by the higher up's the young Athraxan proving invaulable as more and more contraband was seized every month in record numbers, unaware that Ra-Keth had secretly begun making deals with the off-worlders he had been sent to apprehend. Realising that his goals, along with a tidy profit could be achieved by taking bribes from said smugglers, he began discreetly storing all manner of advanced weapons and rare technologies provided by the smugglers in exchange for a fee and some trinkets to report back with.   Over the years, these shady dealings allowed Ra-Keth to amass a small fortune through his activities, learning much about the greater galaxy and how ''backwards'' his people truly were, viewing them as simple fools too cowardly to seize the galaxies riches for themselves, he was determined to break that mold. This opportunity came during the outbreak of the Athraxan Civil War, using his connections and secret supply of weapons, Ra-Keth began selling his ill gotten commodities to both sides, uncaring as to who came out victorious, provided it would not affect his steadily growing rose to prominence. When the war began to enter it's final stages, Ra-Keth realised his now thriving business would need to go galactic, using his influence, he was able to convince crime lord and neighbouring racketeer, Urgo Rutharnzar into intervening on behalf of the Athraxan Royal Family, appealing to the slug's more lustful tendencies that the Princess Chi-Ro would make a fine prize should he demand payment from the Athraxans. This plot worked successfully, and with the Princess by Urgo's side, Ra-Keth entered into the good graces of the Jogogon, skyrocketing him into the galactic black market ofr arms dealing, a fine accomplishment for a once simple farmer.   Ever since, Ra-Keth has had his bloody hand in all major conflicts across the stars, ensuring the guns keep flowing for those willing to pay, though his ambitions were never quite sated no matter how big the deal. This growing hunger for more has lead him to begin plotting his greatest take over yet, the throne of Urgo. Though it may take time, credits and a smile, in his mind, Ra-Keth will see himself become the undisputed ruler of black market weapon procurement in all corners of the galaxy, sitting high upon his benefactors throne, with Chi-Ro by his side.
Name: Ra-Keth   Age: 42   Birthplace: Athraxal   Species: Athraxan   Pronouns: He/Him   Sexuality: Heterosexual   Height: 6’3   Hair: Red   Eyes: Amber   Alias: The Feisnath   Occupation: Arms Dealer   Weapons: Elemental Quad-Pistol   Ship: The winking Numulk   Allegiance: Ra-Keth Arms Exporters   Likes: Obtaining Influence, Monopolies (for himself) Respect   Dislikes: Losing, Those with Higher status


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