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  The Tenobans are a bipedal species of humanoid from the planet Orithor recognisable by their distinct horns and four eyes.   Biology:   A hardy species well suited to living in the rocky expanses on their home world, the Tenobans are considered for their size to be highly durable in comparison to other species of their stature, with reinforced bones and cranial plates providing them much needed protection from many of their world's predators. The most striking elements of Tenoban biology however is their four enhanced eyes and bony horns. Tenoban eyes are some of the most complex in the galaxy, contested only by advanced optical cybernetics, with the larger pair capable of seeing over distances of 20 miles, while their smaller set are so sensitive that a Tenoban can view indidivual sand particles scattered along their beaches. The unique set of horns seen on every Tenoban grow year on year until reaching maturity, these horns are used in ritualistic mating courtships in which potential pairings would wrestle for breeding rights, with the males often having to prove their prowess by besting their lover in combat in order to bond for life, though instances of the roles being reversed have been noted.   History:   A recent entry onto the galactic scene, the Tenobans have ruled over the mountain ranges of Orithor for some 12,000 years prior to their discovery of interstellar space travel. Ruled by a council of elected officials from the various city states that dwell atop and within the 14 highest mountains of Orithor, the Tenoban's learned to make use of the rich crystalised forms of Feorin gas found within the hills of their world to power their early starcraft, quickly claiming and expanding the borders of their new star spanning empire within 100 years. Initially the Tenobans were optimistic in the potential discovery of other sentient life in the stars, hoping to spread culture and technology with their galactic neighbours, only to have these dreams crushed by marauding gangs of pirates who laid waste to their colonies, taking thousands of their people as slaves. Since the advent of what the Tenobans refer to ''The despair'', they have largely become an isolationist society, hostile to all those who would encroach on their territories whether it be friendly or hostile and have enacted a ban preventing their people from venturing beyond their domains, (though some brave souls have dared to challenge this).   In recent times, The Tenoban Ascendancy have been preparing for war as news from their spy networks indicate a system wide invasion by the malevolent Zolgurks is imminent.   Naming conventions:   Female:  
  • Taleri Katrop
  • Phordeelia Zomala
  • Jarnaro Dopot
  • Galniri Olknol
  • Sudaaico Osazoik
  • Zomzar Loainjid
  • Tameruth Grelalajar
  • Grentor Monalvak
  • Jadakoo
  • Vrokklep
  • Sudajis
  • Odoredo
  Homeworld: Orithor   Region: The Mid Sector   Classification: Mammalian   Status: Alive   Average lifespan: 70-80 years   Skin Colour: Yellow   Hair Colour: Various   Eye Colour: Various   Average Height: 6'1   Diet: Omnivore   Habitats: Mountains and Valleys   Allegiance: The Tenobari Ascendancy


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