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Vetrex Caas

  ''By Ratrizar I swear I'll wipe that smirk off your face!'' - Vetrex   Special Agent for the Counter Intelligence division of The Ratrizar Empire, Vetrex Caas was one of the organisations most ferocious, dedicated, and lethal tools. A woman of conviction, who believed in the Empire’s goals of bringing order to the galaxy by whatever means necessary. Having joined the Empire’s ranks at just 17, Vetrex quickly showed her prowess, adaptability and sheer determination when faced with the enemies of the order she swore to defend. This impressive display of talent did not go unnoticed by those in the higher ups of Ratrizar, and by the age of 22, Vetrex had secured herself as high ranked officer in the Counter Intelligence Subgroup, specifically tasked with hunting spies.   For several years, Vetrex enjoyed success after success, bringing down multiple, UC, Corpo and Yakana backed hideouts of the Spy Guild, along with numerous agents who ended up a either a smouldering pile of charred flesh, or locked away on one of the many labour worlds within Ratrizar. Vetrex felt like she was truly making a difference in the galaxy.   That was until 3 years ago. Hot in pursuit of a Spy Guild agent known simply as ‘’Astra’’. Vetrex spent weeks slowly hunting who she thought would be her crowning jewel towards a promotion, and when the time came to pounce, she did with a fury. Chasing Astra through a raging nebula storm, their two ships narrowly avoided death as they played an extreme game of cat and mouse. Eventually however, the mouse succeeded and Vetrex’s ship was struck by a massive surge of energy from the nebula storm. Her ship hurtling out of orbit, crash landing on the nearest system…. Fecundria IV.   Barely alive and with no chance of rescue in such a remote corner of the galaxy, Vetrex slowly made her way out of the jungles to the one place she may be able to signal for help. The Palace of Urgo. When she arrived at the palace and stated her request to Urgo for assistance off world, the gangster became infuriated at such demands. Having been promised in the Treaty of Kroptor that all Ratrizar activity in his sectors were banned without any express permission, Urgo instead took Vetrex for himself, threatening Ratrizar that he would end the neutrality agreement unless compensated generously for the perceived slight.   Ratrizar, not wishing to open up a new front in their wars, agreed to Urgo’s demands. Generously compensating the slug with credits and leaving Vetrex in his possession as a ‘’good faith payment’’. Broken by the betrayal of the Empire she had spent so many years serving, Vetrex tried numerous times to escape the palace, with each attempt bringing on further punishments to the once proud agent. These days, Vetrex serves as a palace ‘’Duluki’’ or ‘’Whore’’ selling her body to the scum and villainy of Urgo’s palace for a price. Broken, bitter and cold, forever reminded of who owns her by the mark upon her ass and those who abandoned her to such a place.
Name: Vetrex Caas   Age: 29   Birthplace: Earth   Species: Human   Pronouns: She/Her   Sexuality: Heterosexual   Height: 6'0   Hair: Red   Eyes: Amber   Alias: Uptight whore, Ratrizar's fury, Duluki   Occupation: Counter-Intelligence Officer   Weapons: Scoped Raygun Rifle, Electro Whip, Biomatter Grappling Gun   Ship: The Vork (Tukuvian Class)   Allegiance: The Ratrizar Empire, Urgo's Empire   Likes: Order, Control, Accomplishing Missions, The Empress of Ratrizar   Dislikes: Insubordination, Hedonism, Spies, Sweet foods.


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