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Vuloria Feretox

  The Feretox family had run their galaxy spanning sex slave and brothel empire for three generations before Vuloria inherited it from her father, following his passing under mysterious circumstances.   Her father had been a ruthless and cruel owner, in step with the tradition laid before him by his ancestors. Many of the working slaves were hopeful that with Vuloria’s ascension, she might loosen the collars - both literal and proverbial in some cases - around their necks. Instead, it only got tighter.   Despite Vuloria’s sophisticated and elegant outward appearance, a streak of sadism scars her heart on the inside. Whether it be through nature or nurture, she only doubled down on her father’s philosophy to squeeze every last credit from each poor soul contracted to her, voluntary and not, with methods that would make even a Saithari blush.   Nevertheless, profits soared, allowing Vuloria to expand onto more and more planets, generating more and more money to fuel the cruel Kithi mistress’s lavish life of luxury.   Today, Vuloria’s influence is felt far and wide. Living in the spotlight of the public eye, she basks in the attention, seducing the masses with her allure and style, creating an omnipresent cult of personality for what they perceive as a successful entrepreneur. If only they understood the true nature of the idol they adore oh so much. Her most recent ambitions are centered on the acquisition and use of the various exotic and enthralling beauties enslaved by her most profitable customer, Urgo. Hoping to one day take them for herself and gain further prestige in the realm of high-end pleasure girls one may find at her many pleasure houses.   Written by Lacewing
Name: Vuloria Feretox   Age: 36   Birthplace: Droma   Species: Kithi   Pronouns: She/Her   Sexuality: Bisexual   Height: 6’4   Hair: Cyan   Eyes: Red   Alias: Mistress   Occupation: Businesswoman/Brothel Tycoon   Weapons: Crystaline Dagger   Ship: The Myredex


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